Enneagram Social 6: What You Should Expect


The typical enneagram social 6 worries with ease. Their primary concern is to be safe and secure from the trials and tribulations of the world. 

As such, they could be pessimistic about the future. That is why you will find them worrying about the future and how it affects them. People of this social type tend to gravitate to people of authority because they think that power will help them become safer.

Who Belongs to the Social 6 Class?

These people deal with the emotion of fear, including any accompanying anxiety, by relying on abstract reason or a specific ideology that establishes a frame of reference. As said before, they find it safer to rely on the authority of rules, reason, and rational thinking. They have a common trait of lacking trust in themselves or others.

You might wonder if you are an enneagram social 6. Pay attention to how you deal with the everyday crisis to confirm this. Your focus may revolve around “what your duty is.” To cope, you would instead consult the guidelines associated with your belief system. You try your best to identify the benchmark and obey the game’s rules, as it were.

This means that whatever you view as an authority, you view it as the right way to do things, making you fear that authority’s disapproval. Social 6s like you will have a clear-cut line of what is acceptable and unacceptable, and these clear-cut rules dictate how to act and think. 

This can be very important for you to develop a philosophical mind because you neither trust what others say about how you live nor do your intuition, forcing you to become very intellectual.

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What Are Their Strengths?

They Are Loyal

The typical enneagram Social 6 is known to be loyal. When it comes to family and friends, they hold them with the highest regard. This quality extends to the society they interact with. They are loyal to the customs and structures of their society, making them very likely to be religious and partake in holiday celebrations.

The reason they exhibit such loyalty is out of love. Type 6s fear abandonment, and, to be fair, everyone does, but they do so because they believe that only the things they love will stay when they show unflinching loyalty. So it does come down to self-confidence in the end.

They are Team Players

It’s easy to see why they become great team players. After all, it gives them the security that they desire. A team brought together that utilizes a lot of talent together will make them feel secure and confident in their abilities. That means they reach their full potential when working in a group.

Good at Handling Finances

Some enneagram social 6 types are afraid of being unable to handle future challenges. This fear makes them experts at managing finance. This doesn’t make them greedy or opportunistic, though. They usually try their best to save up and spend less. 

Sometimes their fear is taken unawares, and they form a plan too far into the future. This makes them great at planning, and their objective is usually realistic, reliable, and level-headed.

Thoughtful and Welcoming

They are warm and approachable despite their fears and insecurities. The deep care and thought they give the people around them are admirable. They naturally want to protect their loved ones and are very approachable, so making new friends is easy. When their quality of kindness is used correctly, they are the most welcoming people in the room, and many will like them.

What are their Weaknesses?

They Are Very Anxious and Fearful

The typical enneagram social 6 is anxious about the unknown from time to time. The fear of the unknown is a bane for a social 6 because it causes them to make decisions that, in the long run, are counterproductive to their development. To worse this, they are also very fearful of events going out of control.

They Have Low Self-confidence

As said in the previous section, it is not uncommon for an enneagram social 6 to become fearful of a situation and give up. This feeds into their doubts, and they begin to lose their self-confidence. As they are also very cautious, they will doubt their decisions, reducing their self-confidence. As a means to escape, they used their defense mechanism to escape danger.

Read: SP/SX Enneagram Subtype: A Complete Guide

How You Can Improve as an Enneagram Social 6

If you have the bouts of fear that social 6 has, you may want to work on your anxieties. Anxiety grows when you stay in your head too long. So try to focus on other activities and people and see how they handle themselves and their fears.

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