What You Should Know About Enneagram Social 3


Do you want to know if you fall under the enneagram social 3 category? you’re in the right place. An enneagram is a personality test that helps you identify your pattern of thinking, feelings, and behaviors, and it also helps paint a clearer picture of your motivations and attitude. 

Understanding the enneagram is vital to understanding your personality and others around you, thereby developing your emotional intelligence. This article will discuss the personality type Enneagram Social 3 and how they typically behave. 

Read ISFP 9w1: Here’s What You Can Expect.

Who Belongs to this Group?

Goal-oriented and highly driven people are usually grouped as Enneagram social 3. They take an active role in everything that happens. They are typically considered strong-willed since they always push to take full control of their lives. Their natural confidence also charms others, making it easy to adapt to changing circumstances. One way this confidence helps them is by networking and interacting with others. They can easily use tact and subtle persuasion to win others over. 

People who belong to social 3 set lofty goals, and their perseverance and hard work to get to the top of the corporate world makes it easier for them to achieve their goals. Unsurprisingly, they make good leaders, executives, and entrepreneurs. However, people in this group vary in outlook depending on their background.

What Are Their Core Strengths?


They are naturally confident people because they value their appearance and first impressions. On the surface level, their methods appear opinionated and very assertive, and thus, they are seen as reliable and trustworthy.


They start early in life to make big goals they want to reach. This could be in any area of their life, such as in their career, relationships, or self-improvement. This is accompanied by the grit and determination needed to accomplish those goals. They are often motivated by the need to be special or popular.


Charm usually accompanies confidence. Social 3s know how to woo people, making them friendly and influential among their peers. If you are a social 3, you believe you’ll always get your way. 

However, an unhealthy social three person may have an altered view of friendships and romantic relationships.  


They are known to have a high work ethic because they must work very hard to achieve their goals. Another reason they work hard is also to maintain the hype they’ve built up. The drive behind their work ethic makes them very reliable. The major downside is that they can take it to the extreme, and overworking affects their mental and physical health.


Commonly referred to as chameleons, they are highly adaptable. They make it a priority to quickly understand everyone’s expectations and try to align themselves with them. This has helped them to thrive in a constantly changing environment. 

Since their main objective is achieving success, they strive to be adaptable with a smile even if given unpleasant tasks. However, this can be taken too far; their adaptability quickly becomes people-pleasing when that happens. 

Leadership skill

Enneagram social 3 types usually show natural leadership qualities. With their confidence and work ethic, they easily show others that they are reliable. People are drawn to them because of their charm and big goals; some even look to them as role models.

What are their Major Weaknesses?

The negative response to criticism

Success is the end goal of a social 3s. So when they are given constructive feedback or a truckload of criticism, they see it as a sign that they are unsuccessful. Therefore, they become dissatisfied and defensive when they are made to face their failings.

Furthermore, one major problem with this weakness is that it limits their progression when handling tasks. It could also cause people’s perceptions of them to subtly change as time goes on, which is counter-productive to their goals.

Constant validation

The self-inflicting pressure to be at their best is one of their weaknesses. They judge their success by what others say about them, which isn’t good. That’s because they want their achievements to be affirmed by others, and when it doesn’t happen, they become depressed and think that their efforts are futile. When this depression affects their self-confidence, it becomes a worst-case scenario.  

Multiple Insecurities

Yes, everyone has those, but when it comes to Enneagram social 3s, they have a buck load of fears. The first among them is the fear of how they are perceived. Some may think they will never be good enough for their desired role. In addition, they also feel that someone will soon surpass them, or an event might expose their incompetence. Therefore, they will act aggressively.

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How an Enneagram Social 3 can Improve.

If you identify with this group, you may wonder how to improve your weaknesses and take advantage of your strengths. One way is to understand the criticism and focus on how it can help you achieve your dreams. Another critical step is to separate your achievements from your identity and recognize that you are still a good person without them.


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