INTP 5w6- Here’s What You Can Expect


INTPs are logical, analytical, and straightforward people. They are also introverts. INTPs contribute a lot to the world we live in today. When placed on a pedestal with the enneagram of personality, a sizable number of INTPs believe they are INTP 5w6.

So, what can we really expect when dealing with an INTP 5w6?

Who is an INTP 5w6?

This is a very self-sufficient type. They are introverts who place independence and security above all else. This type is certainly no pushover. Blunt as it can get, INTP 5w6 stands strong over their values and will defend it to the last.

Because they have type 6 as their wing, some traits of the INTP might be altered. They will look a lot like the INTJ because of this wing.

How Rare is the INTP 5w6?

INTPs are one of the rarer personality types in the world. They are about 3% in the world. A larger percentage of that number will be 5w4s.

Thus, there are clearly a smaller number of INTP 6w5s in the world right now.

What is the Core Desire of the INTP 5w6?

The core desire of the INTP 5w6 is to be self-sufficient and secure. To achieve this, INTP 5w6s use their knowledge and rational thinking.

When they do get a great opportunity or something that offers them security, they take it. Taking risks is not something they especially like.

What is the Core Fear of the INTP 5w6?

The core fear of the INTP 5w6 is to be dependent on others. They do not want to be a burden. They also do not want to be insecure about their lives.

The need to not be insecure can range from being non-existent to being excessively strong. This largely depends on how strong their wing is.

Differences between the INTP 5w6 and Core INTPs

1.      More Interested in Being Secure

INTPs lead with the perceiving function. Naturally what this means is that they are spontaneous people. They do not mind change and love a good adventure.

However, INTP 5w6 will be more interested in security. Thus, they might not be as impulsive or spontaneous as core INTPs.

This personality type will want to plan their lives to an extent. To them, planning gives them control over their insecurity.

2.      More Cautious

With the need to be secure comes cautiousness. INTP 5w6s are very careful when dealing with others and when making decisions.

They are constantly searching for loopholes or signs of danger. While this is true, it will never be as strong as a core type 6.

However, the need to be cautious will reduce the number of risks they are willing to take.

3.      More People-Oriented

INTPs are super introverts. This doesn’t change with this personality type. However, they will be more interested with people. This might have something to do with their wing.

INTP 5w6 are also loyalists. They tend to have a small circle of friends or close ones. They stay loyal to these ones and can probably die for them.

4.      Better at Dealing with Emergencies

INTPs are the brains behind operations. They can think through issues and offer analysis on them. INTP 5w6s will take this a bit further.

They can do the analysis and implement them. This is true even when there is a lot of pressure. Thus, INTP 5w6s is one of the best types to go to when there is an emergency.

Of course, no one is better than a core type 6 at handling emergencies or pressure.

5.      More Distrustful

INTPs are smart people. Thus, they can easily read people and their actions. Their intuition is also really good.

However, INTP 5w6 will be more distrustful. Sometimes, their suspicions might have no basis. They are more likely to go through bouts of paranoia and unfounded fear.

However, the severity of this problem will often depend on the strength of their wing.

6.      Dealing with Finances

INTPs are usually okay when it comes to finances. However, they do have issues with spending. Sometimes, they can be quite impulsive or spontaneous.

INTPs are also more likely to spend on their hobbies rather than clothes or fashion. INTP 5w6s will be even more adept with their finances.

Money is one way to stay secure and self-sufficient. Thus, INTP 5w6s will ensure that they always have something saved up.

Of course, handling finances also depends on the maturity of the individual.

INTP 5w6 vs INTP 5w4

Wondering if you are an INTP 5w4 or an INTP 5w6? The key here is looking at how their wings affect them.

Here are some of the more obvious differences between these types.

·        Security/Unique Identity

The dominant desire of both types is the same. However, look a bit deeper and something else is brewing. INTP 5w6 will put security first. The need for security is used to achieve self-sufficiency.

INTP 5w4 will be on the search for self-identity. To them, this means being the best version of themselves. It is only then that they can be self-sufficient.

·        Emotions

INTP 5w4 are more in touch with their emotions. They are also more interested in aesthetics. Because of this, they can relate to people on an emotional level.

INTP 5w6s are people-oriented. However, their emotions are usually hidden behind a wall of logic. To INTP 5w6, their emotions are signs of vulnerability.

·        INTJ/INFJ

These two type variants are also going to look and be mistyped as other MBTI types. Because of their wing, INTP 5w4 will look a lot like the INFJ.

INTP 5w6, on the other hand, will look more like the INTJ. Inherently, most types are still INTPs.

Here’s a click to an in-depth description of the INTP 5w4.

INTP 5w6 and Career Options

INTP 5w6 will look for two things when considering a career. They want a career path that gives them creativity and allows them to be self-sufficient.

They also want to be stable. INTP 5w6s are still INTPs. Thus, a job that offers flexibility will suit them just fine.

To get the best out of the INTP 5w6, place them in a role that gives them security and stability. Throw in some room for problem-solving and they will just be fine.

Best Careers for the INTP 5w6

  • Accountant
  • Professor
  • Financial Analyst
  • Lawyer
  • Financial Analyst
  • Physician
  • Law Enforcement/Military

Worst Careers for the INTP 5w6

  • Entrepreneur
  • Farmer
  • Mechanic
  • Plumber
  • Receptionist

Anime/Fictional Characters that are INTP 5w6

  • Ray (Yakusoku no Neverland)
  • Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock)
  • Saiki Kusou (Saiki Kusou no Psi-nan)
  • Senku Ishigami (Dr. Stone)
  • Sangonomiya Kokomi (Genshin Impact)
  • Hitoshi Shinso (Boku no Hero Academia)
  • Yoda (Star Wars)
  • Nico Robin (One Piece)
  • Kowalski (Madagascar)

Celebrities/Famous People that are INTP 5w6

  • Bill Gates
  • Charles Darwin
  • Alan Turing
  • René Descartes
  • Nathan Glass
  • Rowan Atkinson
  • Richard Dawkins
  • Bill Murray
  • James Madison
Edward is a freelancer and blogger who is fascinated by psychology and the MBTI. When he's not writing, he's reading and discussing his many scattered ideas.

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