45 Most Relatable INTP Memes


If you’re an INTP, you’d find most of these INTP memes totally relatable. 

The INTP is one of the rarest personality types in the world. They are brilliant people with a powerful intellect. A lot of great innovators and scientists that have listed their names in history books are INTPs (Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, etc) 

But they’re often misunderstood. This makes them feel lonely at times. 

However, you don’t have to. Here are 45 memes that you’d absolutely love. 

45 Relatable INTP Memes

1. INTPs love proving their point

INTPs are very logical and intellectual. When they believe in something, they usually have facts and figures to back their claims.

Of course, trust INTJs to have none of it…

2. INTP Memes- INTPs struggle with their identity

INTPs often struggle with their identity. Most of them are good at almost everything.

So, it’s quite difficult for them to choose a niche. Also, they’re commonly misunderstood.

3. They aren’t great talkers

4. Most INTPs are rare and weird

Most INTPs are what society often classifies as “weirdos”. INTPs don’t conform to normal societal standards. They are very comfortable with being “unusual”

5. INTPs value deep conversations/concepts

As mentioned earlier, INTPs don’t conform to conventional societal standards. They love to reinvent the wheel or destroy it if possible.

This is why they love and thrive on deep concepts and conversations that “normal” people would find boring.

Recommended: INFJ Memes- 45 of the Very Best

6. INTPs are brutally honest

7. INTPs don’t think they’re special

Well, most people don’t really. However, people tend to notice INTPs quickly because they don’t speak often. But when they do, they blow people’s minds away.

8. Their minds are filled with random complicated concepts/ideas

This is why they often don’t talk a lot. They’re often processing a lot of complex ideas in their minds. This is why INTPs often engage in only deep conversations.

Small talks bore them.

9. INTP Memes- They don’t care

INTPs don’t care about most things. This is why they aren’t very emotional people. Their social battery is also one of the lowest amongst the introverted personality types.

10. They aren’t so much in touch with their emotions

Since they’re not usually in touch with their emotions, they often don’t like people being in touch with theirs around them.

If you like an INTP, it’s best you let them know subtly. Telling them outrightly may turn them off in most cases.

11. They ask the craziest questions

If curiosity is a personality, it will be the INTP.

They are curious about everything, even the little things that people tend to overlook.

12. They have no problem being the bad person

They are already used to being called weird. So what difference will being the bad guy make?

13. They have the craziest approach to solving problems

INTPs are innovative thinkers because they think outside the box. They come up with the craziest ways of solving problems and reaching conclusions.

14. INTPs and ENFJs balance each other out very well

These two personalities connect with each other pretty. INFPs help ENFJs to see new possibilities and strive for greater heights. ENFJs help INFJs to stay on track.

15. INTPs bare it all or say nothing

17. Their knowledge becomes a problem

When an INTP knows more than their teachers due to their massive curiosity, it becomes a problem. They tend to see all the loopholes and not focus on the message.

18. Count INTPs out from all social activities

As we all know, most introverts are not cut out for social life. However, INTPs dread it.

They’d rather be locked in their rooms reminiscing about some weird concept than be in a room full of strangers. Some of them even have teleophonobia.

19. INTPs and ENTPs have similar and dissimilar approaches

Introverts and Extroverts have the same functions. The only difference is that one thrives socially, while the other thrives in silence.

INTPs will wallow about deep concepts in solitude, while ENTPs will process the same feelings with people and smiles on their faces.

20. INTPs don’t care. Really.

Emotionally distressed people shouldn’t bother calling their INTP friends. If you’re upset with an INTP and you don’t open up, you’re causing internal damage. They wouldn’t notice your emotions.

21. INTPs will say it as it is

You can cry all you want. But INTPs will give you a step-by-step guide

on how to handle your situation. Emotions aside.

22. Be more specific

INTPs are very straightforward people. They’d also appreciate it if most people around them are straightforward, too.

23. INTP Memes- They are master procrastinators

INTPs procrastinate a lot because it helps them to deal with their social anxiety temporarily.

24. They have conflicting identities

25. INTPs are not social but very friendly

INTPs are those people who don’t go out or interact with others often but know a lot of people.

26. INTPs experience existential crisis often

They often experience this as a result of guilt. Maybe due to the loss of loved ones, to whom they didn’t pay special attention when alive. They may also have been too close for comfort.

The death of such a person may leave them socially unfilled.

27. INTP Memes- They hate small talk

INTPs hate small talk. They dread shallow talk. An INTP can lose interest in someone because of this immediately.

28. They consider themselves running experiments

They never claim to understand themselves fully. So, they consider themselves living experiments. They take their actions and thought processes seriously.

29. INTPs don’t show emotions even when they feel it

30. INTPs and INTJs are partners in crime

INTPs and INTJs are besties. Their attitudes and behaviors are so similar that it’s hard to differentiate both. People often mistake one for another.

31. INTPs dislike talkatives

32. They often think more than what they say

33. Their personality doesn’t involve feelings

This is why they’re very logical and realistic people. They don’t take decisions based on feelings and assumptions. INTPs often make good lawyers and judges.

34. Don’t reveal your feelings right away

Be sure the INTP feels the same way for you, or it will end in premium tears.

35. INTPs hate stress

INTPs naturally hate stress. This is why they avoid social parties as much as they can, even if it involves their friends.

36. Sarcasm is a coping mechanism

INTPs barely open up to people. So, they use sarcasm to deal with their pain.

37. You can’t push an INTP around

This meme says it all

38. They have the wittiest responses to things

Always trust INTPs to come up with witty, funny, and sarcastic responses to things.

39. INTPs love sleep (literally)

if they aren’t working on the next big innovation, they’re sleeping, resting, or meditating.

40. They shudder from socializing

If they manage to form a close circle of friends, they’re quite skeptical about bringing new people in.

41. Procrastination is a massive tool for INTPs

As mentioned earlier, INTPs procrastinate to rid themselves of social anxiety. They always have a list of “to-do” items that never get done.

42. INTPs hate group work

INTPs hate stressful activities. To top it all, they hate working in groups because other ideas may coincide with theirs, and may not be favorable.

43. They hate conventional routines

INTPs don’t focus on things that society expects them to do. They like unconventional activities, from jobs, careers, to innovations, etc.

44. INTPs are everything you think they aren’t

45. INTP memes- They don’t utilize their full potentials

INTPs are gifted with many talents. This is why they often struggle with finding a specialty. At the end of the day, only a few break through and become great.

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