INTJ 1w9- Everything You Should Know


INTJs are unique. Curious and analytical are the best words to describe them. While this is true, not all INTJs are the same. An example of this is the INTJ 1w9. They are everything you know about INTJs, but with a twist.

Want to know what that is? Keep reading.

How the INTJ 1w9 Differs From Typical INTJs

INTJs are all about logic and strategy. They approach life with a plan or a schedule. They always know what they’ll do the next day or week.

INTJs are also great with analysis. Buoyed by their extroverted thinking function, they use logic to find accurate answers to most questions or issues. Most INTJs are introverted and prefer to talk only when passionate about a topic.

INTJ 1w9 is slightly different. On the surface, they seem very similar. However, the difference starts from their core motivations. INTJ 1w9s want to do the right thing. Right here might mean different things to them.

For some, it might be doing the right thing according to religion. For others, it might be choosing the lesser evil. The right thing here is also decided by their introverted feeling function, which is not as enhanced.

The presence of their wing also makes INTJ 1w9s less decisive. They might value harmony within their group or family if their wing is strong.

Here’s a table highlighting the differences between INTJs and INTJ 1w9s.

Super IntrovertsMore Extroverted
More DecisiveLess Decisive
Wants to be self-sufficientWants to do the right thing

Strengths of the INTJ 1w9

1.   Disciplined

INTJ 1w9s are disciplined. Here’s why. INTJs are very organized people. Type 1s are even more organized. This means that INTJ 1w9s have a large dose of self-discipline.

This allows them to get stuff done on time. They are also great at keeping to their promises. Their ability to follow their schedules is unmatched.

2.   Right Balance Between Considerate and Blunt

INTJ 1w9s have the right balance between being tactful and blunt. Here’s why. INTJs are thinkers. Thus, they are very blunt and can be a tad insensitive. Type 9s are the epitome of being tactful. Type 1s want to be seen as good.

Thus, this creates a person who knows when to assert themselves and when to go with the flow. This makes them very likable and even popular.

3.   Good Negotiators

This follows the last point. Their ability to be tactful makes them adept negotiators. Combine this with their logic, and they become good at it.

This opens many career paths, including counselors, arbitrators, and attorneys. Their negotiation skills are just another trophy in their skills cabinet.

4.   Right Balance Between Work and Play

As earlier stated, INTJ 1w9s work hard and are disciplined. However, because of their wing, this isn’t excessive. If their wing is strong, they become a perfect example of having a work-life balance.

This allows them to pursue their interests and have time for themselves and family.

5.   High Standards

The presence of type 1 also increases their standards. INTJ 1w9s are perfectionists who want the absolute best.

Some benefits come with this. First, INTJ 1w9s are more reliable. They are also more likely to do things the right way. Their high standards often put them ahead of the chasing park.

6.   Ethical in their Right

INTJ 1w9s strive to do the right thing. The right thing here means different things to different INTJs. Thus, INTJ 1w9s strive to make the best decision based on their internal value and logic.

While this is true, don’t expect the “right thing” to be what’s socially acceptable.

Weaknesses of the INTJ 1w9

1.   Anger Issues

Type 1 and type 9 are in the anger triad. Thus, it’s not surprising that INTJ 1w9s will have anger issues. When they are not angry at themselves, they suppress the anger caused by the actions of others.

Thus, INTJ 1w9s are volatile people. Their impatience and frustration heighten this at people’s incompetence.

2.   A Little Indecisive

If their wing is strong, INTJ 1w9s might be slightly indecisive. The need to preserve harmony might make them hesitate before taking action.

Thus, they might spend time trying to find a solution that works for everyone. This only applies if they have a strong wing.

3.   Self-Critical

INTJ 1w9s not only have high standards for others. They also have the same standards for themselves. Most times, these standards are too high or challenging.

If they fail to meet their expectations, they can become self-critical. In worst-case scenarios, they might start doubting their abilities.

4.   Quick to Judge

Finally, INTJ 1w9s can be judgemental. Their logic plus internal values are so integral that they often see only one way of doing things.

Thus, they might see others as inferior to them or their actions as inaccurate. As they might realize later, there are many ways to do the same things. Sometimes, you could even be wrong.

Growth Tips for the INTJ 1w9

  • You’re human and will make mistakes. So, don’t beat yourself up.
  • While it’s admirable that you want to do the right thing, your right might differ from people’s thoughts. Make sure you consider them when making those decisions.
  • Keep an open mind. You may not have thought about everything. Besides, an open mind is how you get smarter.

Famous People/Celebrities that are INTJ 1w9

  • Athena (Greco-Roman)
  • Ayn Rand
  • C.S Lewis

Fictional/Anime Characters that are INTJ 1w9

  • Peter Ballard (Stranger Things)
  • Batman (DC Comics)
  • Thanos (Marvel)
  • Tobias (Divergent)
  • Professor (Money Heist)
  • Canute (Vinland Saga)
  • Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney)
  • Elijah Mikaelson (The Originals)
Edward is a freelancer and blogger who is fascinated by psychology and the MBTI. When he's not writing, he's reading and discussing his many scattered ideas.

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