Top 6 Indisputable XNXP Personality Traits to Look Out For


The MBTI system is all-encompassing, so knowing your exact MBTI type may be challenging. If you think you may have XNXP personality traits, you probably do.

But don’t worry. You won’t have to wonder anymore. This article will discuss the biggest XNXP personality indicators and how to find your exact type. 


Let’s delve in. 

What is the XNXP Personality? 

This is a combination of different personality types. If you have these personality types, you have intuition and perceiving functions, but ‘X’ can vary. The XNXP personality covers these MBTI types: INTP, ENFP, INFP, and ENTP. 

Although these personality types have different characteristics, they are similar because they share intuition and perceiving functions. If you wonder whether you’re part of the NP community, here are six undeniable XNXP personality traits to help you determine.

Read How Does the Unhealthy INTJ Behave?  


Personality types with the perceiving function are often spontaneous. They dislike rigidity and routine lives and can’t survive monotonous and boring jobs. The typical XNXP personality goes with the flow. They don’t wake up in the morning with fully-formed plans in their head or plan their next five years. 

They love exploring their options and making the best use of the present time. If you ask people with the XNXP personality what their five-year plan is, most of them have no idea. They’re simply going with the flow. If they do tell you their plan, it will most likely change before it gets to the five year mark. 

They See The Big Picture 

People with the XNXP personality often see the bigger picture in everything they do. They are usually not detail-oriented, except they’re engaging in an activity that heavily demands it. They just prefer seeing the end-result. 

For instance, if someone with the XNXP personality is a fashion designer, they’re not necessarily concerned with the intricate details of the clothes like if the seams look neat. They’re more interested in how it fits on the person wearing it. 

Because they are visionary, they need to team up with people who can oversee the little details if they want to birth their plans. Otherwise, it will remain stuck up in their heads. 

Introverts or Ambiverts

People with the XNXP personality are either introverts or ambiverts (introverted extroverts). They keep a small circle of friends and always need time alone to recharge their social batteries. You may be extroverted but be commonly mistaken as an introverts because of your seemingly quiet and withdrawn nature. ENTPs and ENFPs often suffer this fate. 

Read: INFJ 3w2- Here’s What You Can Expect


People with intuition and perceiving functions are typically unconventional. They love questioning the norm or challenging how things are currently done. 

Their intuition and spontaneity often forces them to think and act outside of the box (or even imagine that there is no box). You can’t force people with these personality traits to accept trends and customs. 

Be prepared to answer a ton of questions because they’ll want to know why these customs exist in the first place. They will not follow rules blindly just because it’s existed for years, especially when it no longer works for the majority. 

They Love Creative Careers

Boring or monotonous jobs can kill people with the XNXP personality trait faster than any disease. They need a job or hobby that will allow them to fully express their creative sides. These jobs must be flexible, which is why a lot of them opt for remote work or flexible work hours. 

 In most cases, they even want to rotate different industries and explore various roles. 

Highly Curious

XNXP personality traits make people highly curious, especially towards their talents or passions. Their intuition makes them investigate the underlying meaning of everything, trying to find the connecting pattern between them. Sometimes it makes them well-respected and knowledgeable; other times, it makes them arrogant, self-absorbed, and condescending. 

How to Find Your Exact XNXP Personality

If you know you’re an XNXP personality but don’t know the exact one, here’s what you should do: 

Study the MBTI Dichotomies

When looking for your exact XNXP personality type, the first step is to study MBTI dichotomies. These include: 

  • Extroversion vs Introversion 

This pair of cognitive functions describes how people recharge. Extroverts are more outgoing and socially interactive. They are energized by social interactions. Introverts, however, prefer reserved and quiet environments to recharge. 

  • Feeling vs. Thinking

These functions affect decision-making. Feelings greatly consider your emotions and that of others when deciding on something, while thinking prioritizes logic and rationality.

  • Perceiving vs. Judging

These functions describe how people view and engage with the world. Perceivers like more spontaneous and flexible lives, while ‘judgers’ prefer order and structure. 

  • Intuition vs Sensing 

These cognitive functions describe how people process information. Intuition concentrates on patterns and depends on imagination and insights, while Sensing concentrates on concrete experiences obtained via the five senses. 

Take a Reliable Test

The next step is to take a reliable MBTI test. You can easily find a free test on Google, but know that most tests aren’t precise and accurate. Before taking a test, ensure they’re from a reliable and certified professional. 

When taking the test, be realistic. Tick boxes based on your present behavioral conditions, meaning that you should tick what you are, not what you’d like to be. 

Be Honest With Yourself

When you get the results of the test, be honest with yourself. Does it explain the trends in your life or describe your attitude? 

Even if you don’t agree 100% with everything about the personality type, because environmental conditions can alter certain  behaviors, you should at least agree between 70-80%. 

Do More Research About Your Personality Type

The next stage is to find out more information about your personality type, especially concerning their interaction with others. For instance, if you’re an INFP, how do you interact with ISTJs or INFJs, or even extroverts? How do they fare in romantic relationships?

All this information will arm you to make better life decisions. 

Study Cognitive Functions

For better information, study cognitive functions: 

  • Introverted Sensing

This function processes information based on past experiences and familiar relationships or patterns. People with this dominant function are very good at remembering specific details. 

  • Extroverted Sensing

This function processes information gotten from their environment and experiences that occur around them. People with this dominant function are very attuned to their environment, highly observant, and aware. 

  • Introverted Thinking

This function allows individuals to internally process and interpret data and information. They enjoy exploring complex ideas in their minds and barely share their minds with each other. 

  • Extroverted Thinking

This function externally processes information. They depend on data and facts to make well-informed decisions. Extremely goal-oriented and excellent at seeking creative solutions to real-life challenges. 

  • Introverted Intuition 

This function connects the dot. People with this dominant function are great at finding similarities and drawing up possible predictions for the future. They have strong instincts or gut feelings. 

  • Extroverted Intuition 

Contrary to introverted intuition, this function explores possibilities and connects dots in the external world. They are extremely open-minded and enjoy seeking new opportunities to do things. 

  • Introverted Feeling

This function places more emphasis on values, feelings, and emotions when deciding than rational thinking and logic. People with this function often have strong moral internal values. 

  • Extroverted Feeling

This function prioritizes the emotional needs of others during decision-making. They are often very empathetic and they strive to understand the feelings of other people. 

Ask Trusted Friends and Family

You can ask friends and family to corroborate your findings. They know you and understand you better, so they can give you insights that can lead you to the exact personality type. 

Final Words

So there you have it. 

The XNXP personality traits- encompassing INFP, ENFP, INTP, and ENTP- bring together diverse traits. Whether you’re an XNXP or are close to someone with this personality type, arming yourself with this knowledge can help you make well-informed decisions and better engage with people.

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