INFJ 3w2- Here’s What You Can Expect


The INFJ 3w2 is an intriguing case study. You get the best traits of the INFJ put to efficient use. Want to know more about this personality type?

Stick around if you do because this article is the ultimate guide to learning about the INFJ 3w2.

What Makes the INFJ 3w2s Different From Other INFJs?

First, let’s talk about typical INFJs. INFJs are normally portrayed as warm and creative people. They are very imaginative and independent. INFJs prefer to live life on their terms. Their introverted nature heightens this need.

While they prefer to plan and have a defined structure, their energy levels are not that high. Thus, typical INFJs might struggle with overexerting themselves. They prefer analyzing things in their head to actually implementing them. This singular fact breeds complacency.

INFJ 3w2s is a lot different. While they have the warmth of the INFJ, its direction is different. Their warmth is more charismatic. They are more interested in influencing people with their personalities. This is heightened by their Fe, allowing them to sense people’s moods.

Because they are type 3s, INFJ 3w2s have a lot of goals they want to achieve. To meet them, they have to work their socks off. They are also more adaptable and can work in most environments. INFJ 3w2s are likely to be more popular than typical INFJs.

Read: The INTJ Death Stare

Here’s a table highlighting the differences between INFJ 3w2s and other INFJs.

Enjoys analyzingEnjoys both analyzing and implementing
Prefers comfortable clothesMore interested in looking stylish
More IndependentMore Adaptable

Strengths of the INFJ 3w2

1.   Ambitious

INFJ 3w2s want the very best. They want to reach the pinnacle and be seen as the best in the business. This naturally makes them ambitious.

The right level of execution supports their ambition. INFJ 3w2s are go-getters with the tools to make their dreams a reality.

As opponents, they can be really scary.

2.   Fashion Sense

INFJ 3w2s dress to impress. Type 3 wants to be the best, and this often involves fashion. INFJ 3w2s are the same. Thus, expect them to wear stylish clothes and have amazing accessories.

They stand out differently and are often glamorous. It’s pretty hard not to notice them. That’s the entire point, anyways.

3.   Helpful/Generous

The presence of their wing also makes this type generous. Generous here can mean with their time, resources, or something else. The bottom line is that they give others attention.

While this is true, the motive for doing this might not only be to teach or help. Most times, INFJ 3w2s might help because it puts them in a good light. For others, they realize that the people they help are now obliged to help them when the need arises.

It takes two to tango.

4.   The Right Amount of Cheerfulness

INFJ 3w2s are not overly extroverted. Yet, the presence of Fe means they understand people deeply. Thus, they know just when to push and when to hold.

This makes them quite friendly, but not too friendly. People who know INFJ 3w2s might feel they express themselves just right.

They are extroverted introverts.

5.   Adaptable

INFJ 3w2s find it easy to adapt to changing circumstances for various reasons. First, type 3 wants to remain relevant where possible. They also have the work ethic and desire to pull it off.

Their wing is also interested in staying useful. Thus, when the wind blows differently, INFJ 3w2s will readjust accordingly.

Weaknesses of the INFJ 3w2

1.   Can Be Manipulative

The strengths of the INFJ 3w2 can easily become their weaknesses. One of such strengths is their Fe. Because Fe can read the mood and predict people’s emotions, its easy for them to misuse it.

When the INFJ 3w2 does not get what they want, they can easily become manipulative. This usually happens when they are unhealthy.

In this state, INFJ 3w2s might play with people’s emotions to get what they want.

2.   Neglect Loved Ones

Between taking over the world and helping others, this personality type might start to neglect those closest to them.

This usually happens with their partner. They might work long hours at work and come home exhausted. This leaves little time to catch up with their loved ones. If this continues, the outcome is usually disastrous.

3.   Too Focused on External Affirmations

Type 3 loves affirmations. So, it’s not really a surprise that INFJ 3w2s want external affirmations. This is the medium they use to affirm their efforts.

Without this affirmation, they might feel worthless and even downplay their successes. The problem is that people’s opinions of them begin to affect how they see themselves.

Self-esteem should always come from within.

4.   Loss of Self-Identity

Type 3’s ability to adapt and be whatever is needed also has drawbacks. One of them is the loss of identity. INFJ 3w2s can be so caught up in playing a role that they start to forget who they truly are.

This includes their values and who their real friends are. When not handled properly, their real-world can collapse without them realizing it.

Growth Tips of the INFJ 3w2

  • Make sure you have enough time for your loved ones. There’s nothing more important than that.
  • While being there for everyone and everything, make sure your values always remain clear. Never lose them.
  • While the urge to get what you want is strong, manipulating others is wrong. It will only make you seem self-centered and selfish.

Famous People/Celebrities that are INFJ 3w2

  • Noel Deyzel
  • Richard Gere
  • Hans-Dieter Flick
  • Terry Fox
  • Immanuel Casto

Fictional/Anime Characters that are INFJ 3w2

  • Jay Gatsby (The Great Gatsby)
  • Amy Eliott Dunne (Gone Girl)
  • Richard Scheweikart (Better Call Saul)
  • Max (Black Sails)
  • Ffion Foxwell (Black Mirror)
  • Rush Clovis (Star Wars)
Edward is a freelancer and blogger who is fascinated by psychology and the MBTI. When he's not writing, he's reading and discussing his many scattered ideas.

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