What Are the Secret Superpowers of a Highly Sensitive Person?


What are the secret superpowers of a highly sensitive person?

Highly sensitive people are always thought to be weak. So, what are their superpowers? Highly sensitive people undoubtedly have it hard in society. They are usually told to be bolder, louder, more extroverted and outgoing.

But individuality is what makes the world function. Highly sensitive people aren’t weak and they have a lot of super powers that are overlooked. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being a HSP.

It is just like any other personality trait with certain peculiarities. So let’s take a look at what it means to be a HSP? Why do they stand out? What are their unique traits?

6 Superpowers of the HSP

1. They Have a Great Intuition

If there’s one thing you should know about highly sensitive persons, it’s that they have great intuition. They have the ability to sense things before they happen. They are also faster at processing things than the average person.

They are often thought to possess psychic powers. However, that is not the case. HSPs are just more in tune with their environment. They know when something is about to happen.

Their ability to read people and their environment make them the best advisers. Take them for granted at your own peril.

2. They Are Empathetic

Being empathetic seems to be more of a curse than a superpower. However, it isn’t always so. The empathetic nature of a highly sensitive person is the reason why they understand people around them and want to be of help.

They can feel other people’s emotions, both sad and happy. This can be draining for them. The good thing is you can’t hide how you feel with them. That alone is a superpower in a world where people hide or lie about a lot of things.

This is another reason why they are great comforters as no one understands people better than the HSP. Before you tell them what’s wrong, they can already sense it.

3. They Are Amazing Lovers

What makes HSPs amazing lovers is their nurturing nature. They go hard for people they love and will always want the best for them. It’ll be a nightmare to hurt someone they love as well.

When it comes to giving their heart and loyalty, they are very picky. They want to receive the love they give and that includes friends and family.

As long as you are there for your HSP friend, lover, or family, you can be assured they will be there for you as well. They make one of the most loyal and trust worthy companions on earth.

4. They Make a Great Support System

A very important HSP superpower is their ability to see the good in you when you can’t see it for yourself. They make excellent support systems no matter what you’re going through.

They’ll be there to listen, advice, and guide you if necessary. If you’re having a bad day, the HSP knows what you need to feel better. If you’re having a good one, they are by your side as well.

They aren’t afraid to bring out the silly side of themselves to make you laugh. When a HSP cares about someone, they focus on that person more than they focus on themselves. When you don’t believe in yourself, they give you reasons to.

5. They Are Great at Problem-Solving

Although the HSP is seen as sensitive and timid, they can go out of their way to solve a problem. An example is their total disgust for bullies and people who tear other people down. They always stand on the side of the victim.

HSPs are like superheroes who stand up for the oppressed and abused. They do not like hurting other people and do not appreciate people who hurt others.

This is no surprise considering that they feel the pain of others. So, a highly sensitive person always wants to come to the aid of a victim and tell off an abuser. Not so timid now, are they?

6. They Make the World Go Round

The world would be a terrible place without kind people you can always lean on. People who understand you and want the very best for you. This is another reason why HSPs are very important to our world.

They are selfless, they build and encourage other people the best way they can. Their empathetic nature makes them very easy to talk to and rely on. And most importantly, they make stuff happen.

If you have a HSP in your life, you can relate to all of the above listed. It is important to cherish and treasure them. Appreciate, love, and support them for they are super heroes.

Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi is a photographer, writer, designer and an INTJ female. She enjoys telling stories and delivering messages through words, photographs and designs.

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