Signs You Are a Highly Sensitive Man


Being told you are a sensitive man in society can put you off. Sensitive men are often categorized as being weak. However, there’s no correlation whatsoever. There’s absolutely nothing weak about being a highly sensitive man.

Because of the fear of being told “you’re too sensitive”, a lot of men shy away from who they truly are. As a result, they suffer. If you’re a man and you’ve ever been told you are highly sensitive, chances are you got defensive about it.

No doubt, highly sensitive people are usually categorized as women. When a woman is called a highly sensitive person, it is hardly ever viewed as derogatory. But if you’re a man out there, you must understand that being a HSP is completely normal.

It is just a biological difference some people are born with just like everything else. In fact, they are all over the world. Being a sensitive man does not make you weak and you are not alone.

Research has shown that there isn’t much of a difference between highly sensitive traits amongst men and women. Perception however, differed.

Factors such as society, culture and traditional hold specific genders to specific roles. This stereotype usually ends up making some people feel out of place and alone.

A highly sensitive man may be viewed as weak or “womanly” as boys are raised to be fearless and borderline emotionless. Men are usually thought to hide away their feelings and but on a tough look no matter how they feel inside.

Unfortunately, this has led to so many men suppressing their emotions and making it hard for them to accept it or heal from certain things.

There’s also this general misconception that being a HSP makes you weak and unstable but there’s a lot more attached to the highly sensitive person.

If you’re reading this and wondering if you are a sensitive man, these traits explained below can help you identify.

10 Signs You Are a Highly Sensitive Man

If you suspect you are a highly sensitive man or you know someone that might be, these signs can put things into perspective for you.

1. You Are Empathetic

One of the most common traits of a highly sensitive man is his empathetic nature. This makes him a great friend because he is easy to confide in. Highly sensitive men feel other peoples moods as well.

This isn’t just exclusive to sadness, but also happiness. If you’ve ever been told about how understanding you are and how easy it is to talk to you, you might be a HSP.

2. You Are In Touch With Your Emotions

The highly sensitive man is more in touch with his emotions. This is usually viewed as a weakness but it isn’t. Being sensitive makes you feel things at a higher frequency than everyone else.

You’re more in tune with your emotions. You appreciate love, compassion, beauty, and so much more. These are all seen as feminine qualities. Unlike others, you are more responsive to your environment.

3. You Get Easily Overwhelmed

Being a highly sensitive person isn’t just feeling peoples emotions, but everything else around you. Bright lights and sharp sounds can be overwhelming to a HSP as well.

While other people might just notice it, as a HSP, you also feel it. This can cause a lot of stimulation which eventually leaves you tired and overwhelmed.

4. You Pay Attention To Details

Considered one of the super powers of every HSP, attention to detail can never be overemphasized. Highly sensitive men tend to be more detail oriented than others. This makes them very efficient in different situations.

This also gives them an added advantage at work and in anything they do. Their attention to detail is admirable by everyone around them.

5. You Dislike Change

Highly sensitive men struggle with change and completely dislike it. This is especially true when this change is abrupt and/or impromptu. It is no surprise as they can easily be over stimulated.

If you dislike your schedule/routines being changed because it gets pretty overwhelming, chances are you are a highly sensitive man.

6. You Require Alone/Recharge Time

Although this is usually attributed to introverts, HSPs also require time out to recharge. As a sensitive man, overstimulation can leave you exhausted and drained. The only solution is to recharge.

You must have been told that you withdraw sometimes and that’s fine. It is necessary for you to recharge often. HSPs aren’t necessarily introverts. They can be extroverted or ambiverted as well.

7. You Are Not One for Violence

It is no surprise that highly sensitive men avoid violence both on TV and in real life. Highly sensitive people tend to have anxiety and this can be triggered by violence in songs and movies.

HSP men prefer calmer movies. From romance to situation comedy, you’ll find them there. This, however, doesn’t change the fact that they are still men.

8. You Appreciate the Little Things

If you find yourself appreciating the little things that are usually overlooked by people and generally other men, then this might be you. You appreciate the sound of music, a beautiful scenery, painting, and even food.

Highly sensitive men embrace all the different feelings they get when they see or taste something. Considering they pay attention to details a lot, this is no surprise.

9. You Are in Touch with Yourself

The sensitive nature of the highly sensitive man helps him in acknowledging his wants and needs. He knows what he wants and when his needs are met. He feels things differently.

As a HS man, you tend to ask for more detailed requests and instructions in things a lot of people miss. This is because you are aware of yourself and your needs.

10. You Process Information Faster

This is another reason why being a HSP isn’t a weakness but instead a superpower. The sensitive man is able to take in information faster than less sensitive men.

Although being a sensitive man is seen as a weakness, it isn’t. If you identify with at least 2 of these 10 signs, chances are you are a sensitive man. The only way to progress is by accepting it instead of shying away from it.

Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi is a photographer, writer, designer and an INTJ female. She enjoys telling stories and delivering messages through words, photographs and designs.

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