What Are Some Traits of a Highly Sensitive Person?


What are some of the traits of a highly sensitive person you should know?

It is common knowledge that some people are more sensitive than others. Sometimes it is seen as a weakness and it can come off as annoying.

This article will throw more light on a lot of things you should know about a highly sensitive person (HSP).

Who Is a Highly Sensitive Person?

The term was first coined by psychologist Dr. Elaine Aron and Arthur Aron in the middle 1990s but has garnered a lot of interest over the years.

The first thing you want to know is who a highly sensitive person (HSP) is. This is a term used for individuals who appear to have a deeper sensitivity or sensory processing sensitivity (SPS). It is a trait which can be found amongst all genders. However, it is found in about 20% of the population.

This is a genetic variation where the nervous system and the brain process the littlest details other people tend to miss. Although possessing has its benefits, it can be a burden.

People who are highly sensitive are usually described as being “too sensitive”.

How To Know You Are a Highly Sensitive Person

If you’ve ever been told you’re too sensitive or you take things a little too seriously, then you might be a HSP (especially when it’s coming from insensitive people).

It is important to know that there is nothing wrong with being a highly sensitive person. It is not a personality disorder but a temperament. Traits of a highly sensitive person aren’t treated in the hospital as it isn’t a medical condition either.

It is more of a personality trait that shows how you respond to things. It just describes certain responsiveness to the positive and negative emotions around an individual.

Traits Of a Highly Sensitive Person

Some of the traits of a highly sensitive person includes:

1. Depth of Processing

The Insula is a part of the brain which helps in enhancing a person’s perception and increasing their self awareness. A person with a highly sensitive brain would have a more active one.

Their depth of processing helps them take a step back and reflect before making any decision. They absorb and process a lot of information around them. With their desire to reflect on each of them, they may be slower in making decisions.

This also means that performing a task might take them a little longer. They are never in a hurry to get things done if they don’t understand it.

2. Overstimulation

A trait of a highly sensitive person is that they get overstimulated by certain situations. Since they pay more attention to details, they are more likely to be overstimulated.

People who are highly sensitive are more emotionally affected by social stimulation than people who are not. Since they pay so much attention to details, it leaves them exhausted at one point or another.

It makes sense if you’re going to be noticing every single detail around you. Sooner or later, you’ll wear out. HSPs are easily stressed because of this.

3. Emotional Responsiveness

HSPs are easily empaths who are affected by the emotions of their loved ones. Let’s say they see a photo of their loved one looking sad or unhappy, they’ll naturally want to help. This is because of their more active mirror neurons.

Naturally, a sensitive person will want to do something about the sadness of others. Brain scans show that empathy is more common in HSPs than non-HSPs. Although a lot of people think emotions always lead to illogical reasoning, that isn’t always the case.

Emotions can be an aftermath of events which helps us know what we want to feel again and what we don’t. This can help in decision making and help us learn from our mistakes.

4. Sensitive Stimuli

Highly sensitive persons tend to notice subtle details which are missed by other people. On one hand it helps them in so many ways. Even the simplest act like stargazing or sightseeing can be enjoyed to the fullest.

HSPs are also more impacted by stronger sensory inputs which include loud noises, bright lights, textures and smells. This doesn’t necessarily mean they have extraordinary senses.

Although some HSPs say they have heightened senses, this isn’t always the case. Some can have poor eyesights or other impairment just like the rest of us. It is more about their perception.

How Traits of a Highly Sensitive Person Could Affect Your Life

It is impossible to be a Highly Sensitive Person without it impacting your life in one way or another. Being a HSP comes with its own advantages and disadvantages.

You are stuck between interpreting other people wrongly and being stressed out by your daily activities and relationships. Sometimes it seems like you are imagining negative motives.

Sometimes, you just perceive them quicker than the average person. You are also deeply affected by negative experiences which people classify as a weakness.

Here are a few ways it can impact your life.

1. Close Relationship with Others

HSPs deeply care about people around them. Their family, friends and lovers. This makes them more in tune with their emotions, coupled with the fact they can be strong empaths.

2. Prefer Alone Time

Highly sensitive people might prefer their alone time than being in situations that leave them exhausted and overwhelmed. They stay away from any form of conflict and violence.

3. Gratitude

HSPs tend to be more appreciative of things around them. They are the ones to appreciate a beautiful song, a good dinner etc. Just as much as they feel on edge often, it doesn’t change the intense gratitude they have for the littlest things.

They understand that life could end at any moment so why not treasure the little moments?

4. Depth Of Feeling

Another trait of a highly sensitive person is their love for beauty. They can be deeply moved by the things they see around them. Especially beauty which can lead them to cry.

Highly sensitive people will probably cry when watching a beautiful or emotional video. Their empathy makes them feel the negative and positive emotions of others.

As you can see, HSPs come with a lot of unique characteristics which a lot of other people do not have. And although it can be seen as a weakness, it is not. It can be a strength when managed properly.

Some Common HSP Challenges

With some traits of a highly sensitive person, it is without question they face their own share of challenges. When you’re highly sensitive and overstimulated often, it can lead to being emotionally exhausted.

The challenges faced by a highly sensitive person however can easily be managed. Some of these challenges include:

1. Anxiety & Depression

People with a highly sensitive personality tend to be more anxious and depressed than others. This can be because of so many factors. It can be because of their attachment style and overthinking.

It tends to affect them during adulthood if not checked. Due to their emotional intensity, they respond to both negative and positive events. They can also pick up emotions of others due to their empathy.

2. Shyness & Social Anxiety

A HSP can have the general anxiety or just social anxiety which makes them shy and secluded. When faced with more groups of people at events, that becomes an issue.

They will rather be in a smaller gathering or just have a one-on-one discussion with people. They aren’t the best at shallow conversations. Instead, they prefer deeper and more meaningful connections.

3. Low Self Esteem

HSP often deal with loneliness and low self esteem compared to others. Since they are easily misunderstood by people around them, they seclude themselves and tend to have a lower self esteem.

This also makes it difficult for them to prioritize themselves. Thus, they feel the need to self sacrifice always. They hardly step back and reflect on their own importance.

4. Difficulty Making Decisions

HSPs tend to struggle with making decisions since they want every detail checked. They need to reflect before taking action. This can make changes very difficult for them and leave them easily overwhelmed.

Many aspects of their lives can be overwhelming. This makes them have anxiety disorders, exhaustion, chronic digestive issues etc.

5. Sensory Sensitivity

HSPs are affected by certain types of external stimuli. This can be bright lights, social stimulation, crowded areas, loud noises, flashing lights etc. They are sensitive to it all.

The sounds that could be ignored by others would get a reaction by a highly sensitive person. Strong smell, sharp sounds, rough texture etc. It can even trigger their anxiety.

6. Life Challenges

This includes challenges at the workplace and other areas of their lives. They tend to feel unfulfilled and unmotivated at their work place. This makes them feel like they are achieving little to nothing.

It is not uncommon for them to go through different career changes. It isn’t also uncommon for them to marry and settle down later in life.

Strengths Of a Highly Sensitive Person

Being a Highly Sensitive Person comes with its own strengths. As long as HSPs identify their challenges and live their lives accordingly, they will conquer.

Some strength of a highly sensitive person includes:

1. Connected To Nature

This includes the trees, waters and of course animals. HSPs have a strong connection to these and love them deeply. Their appreciation for the easily overlooked aspects of life can be their strengths.

2. Notice Subtleties

As mentioned earlier, a HSP would notice the littlest details which others tend to miss. They are good at interpreting body languages and changes in their environment. This makes it easier to comfort the sad and throw in compliments to cheer someone up.

3. Depth Of Feeling

The HSP is someone who can find joy in the little moments. They are always in the moment and treasure every bit of it. The things they do and see stays with them for a long period of time.

4. Empathetic

The empathetic nature of a HSP makes them very honest and thoughtful people. They can also be caring and responsive towards others around them. They always feel the need to do things the right way.

HSP are generally more responsive and will be the first to get better at something positive.

5. Other Traits

The HSP is quite the intuitive one and they pick up subtleties due to their heightened perception. Their introspective nature helps in their creativity. HSPs have a tendency to have vivid dreams and a world of their own.

More to Know About Traits of a Highly Sensitive Person

A lot of people tend to associate HSPs with introversion but that’s not the case. Although more introverts tend to be HSPs, extroverts can also be HSPs. High sensitivity is a temperament that exists equally amongst genders too.

This temperament is normal and although people feel anxious, shy and depressed sometimes, HSP is not a disorder. As long as a HSP is in the right setting, they will be just fine.

A HSP will be required to understand their challenges and find various ways to get better. Identifying their strengths and weaknesses makes all the difference.

And lastly, childhood trauma isn’t always the reason for sensory procession sensitivity. Although it can be sometimes, this isn’t always the case.

People who have been neglected by their parents/caregivers may develop a certain type of attachment style. But it isn’t necessarily the case with HSPs.

The reason why HSP are prone to anxiety, shyness, depression etc is due to their differential susceptibility. Differential susceptibility shows that “The same characteristics that make a kid more vulnerable can also make them benefit more from positive environments.”

Also “Human development is marked both by sameness (all humans acquire language, age, and acquire expertise) and sudden shifts (children reach puberty at different ages; adults may marry and have children and others may not).”

You can find out more on attachments and differential susceptibility here.

Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi is a photographer, writer, designer and an INTJ female. She enjoys telling stories and delivering messages through words, photographs and designs.

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