How To Manage Overload + Recharge As An Introvert


How do you recharge as an introvert? If you’re an introvert or you know anything about introversion, chances are you’ve come across the terms “introvert overload” and possibly “introvert recharge”.

What exactly does it mean and why do you need to recharge as an introvert? Is it like a battery that gets drained or is it something more? Maybe both?

Introverts get exhausted easily from social interactions because they feel they are drawing themselves thin. Sometimes it seems like everyone takes a piece out of them with each contact. As such, they decide to stay on their own.

The exhaustion is caused by an overload and this need for solitude helps introverts recharge. Introverts love their space, and when they stay away from it for too long, it gets ugly.

Their space is like a world they have control over. They control every sound and activity going on in that space. Being away from their space for too long makes them feel like they are drowning.

How Do Introverts Feel About This?

You should know that introverts too feel guilty about this. Sometimes they wish they functioned differently. When they require space, it has nothing to do with the people they love.

However, this can easily be misinterpreted. Their need for space doesn’t have to equal disgust and withdrawal. Most times, when they are back from work and have had a long day, the last thing they need is the judgements from their loved ones.

No matter how much introverts love you, they will still need their alone time. It doesn’t matter if it’s a parent, a spouse or their child. Introverts use a lot of mental power.

To the average person it makes no sense why you’ll want to stay away from people you claim to love. However, this doesn’t mean you love them any less.

There are different types of introverts. They all share the need for solitude. They can be sensitive to people, noise/loud sounds, and even light. Hence, they tire out faster than someone who doesn’t notice any of these.

Introverts and extroverts have a different brain capacity. It doesn’t mean one is smarter than the other. They just process energy and information completely different from each other.

If an introvert keeps taking in a lot of this information, it can lead to an overload. An extrovert, however, will be completely fine with it.

An Introvert’s Need for Sanctuary

Here’s the thing: an extrovert thrives in social settings. They adore having people around them, attending parties, events and other forms of activities. An introvert, however, does not. At least not always.

Introverts might be interested in adventurous activities as long as it’s with people they feel safe around.

Their adventure, however, includes activities such as hiking, sightseeing and camping. They don’t need to be at the club or at a concert to feel satisfied. This makes them seem a little more complicated.

Instead of running towards people, introverts run away from them. This makes introverts seem snobbish and uptight.

No doubt, we live in an extroverted world. With the need for connections and social networking, introverts tend to lack behind.

Introverts do not appreciate chatterboxes. Sometimes, they avoiding going to a few places they like because of such persons.

Ultimately, it is important for an introvert to monitor the amount of load they can take. This can prevent an overload and a breakdown. Optimize the days you need to socialize and then take the days you need off too.

How To Recharge as An Introvert

What are the ways you can recharge as an introvert? There are so many ways you can do that without going against your own self.

Ultimately, it is important to have a balance because truthfully you can’t spend all your life away from people. You might need to converse or carry out tasks with or for them.

Introversion should not ruin your professional life. So, here are a few ways to recharge as an introvert experiencing an overload.

1. Draw Up a Schedule

One of the reasons you are getting exhausted from your activities is that they have no direction. You need to have a direction or you’ll suffer for it.

Getting yourself a schedule helps you know what to do and what not to do. It assigns every activity to a specific time and that way, you can find time for yourself to carry out the activities you love.

2. Find Your Own Means of Relaxation

Everyone has their own method of relaxation. So, you should find what yours is. Do not feel pressured to relax like every other person. Find what works for you.

Your relaxation can come from reading books, cooking, painting, photography etc. Find yours and stick with it. It wouldn’t hurt to try new things.

3. Avoid Feeling Guilt

Your sense of guilt can leave you engaging in activities you do not enjoy. A good way to go about this is communicating properly to the people around you. Let them know that you need your solitude.

Always doing their activities will leave you exhausted because of the overload. That is something you definitely do not need. Just ensure it doesn’t affect you and your relationships.

4. Remember Fun Is Subjective

As an introvert, when I tell people things I do for fun, I come off as boring. What they fail to realize is that these things give me pleasure and I don’t intend to change them.

Find your own definition of fun and don’t be easily swayed by what people have to say. The simplest things can give you all the happiness you desire. This can be an amazing way to recharge.

5. Do Not Wait till You’re Drained to Recharge

You do not necessarily have to wait for your phone to die before you plug in the charger. This applies to introverts too. Do not wait till you’re completely exhausted to recharge.

When you’re overloaded, it can take you longer to recharge. Plus, you can get easily irritated and this is far from what you need.

6. Acceptance

Just as people have to accept you for the introvert that you are, you have to accept yourself. Acceptance helps you navigate certain outcomes.

You also have to master the art of compromise with people you care about. You do not want them feeling completely left out all the time. Do not shy away from engaging in their activities once in a while.


How to recharge as an introvert entirely depends on you. Watch your favorite movies, visit your favorite places, read your favorite books, and eat your favorite meals.

You have to subscribe to just your idea of fun and nothing else or you will have an introvert overload again. I hope these few tips can help you out when next you feel completely tired out.

Also remember that having someone to talk to sometimes helps. Do not underestimate that.

Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi is a photographer, writer, designer and an INTJ female. She enjoys telling stories and delivering messages through words, photographs and designs.

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