What Are the Best Careers for Highly Sensitive Persons?


What are the best careers for highly sensitive persons? Do they interpret a career as something they love to do or just want to get a cool paycheck? How do highly sensitive persons thrive in a business?

Highly sensitive people feel things a lot more than other people. They pay attention to details more and enjoy the simple moments of life. They are also empaths which means they tend to feel the pain of people around them.

A highly sensitive person in a cruel work environment may not last as long. In fact, this is one of the reasons why they can switch from one job to another. But finding the right jobs to suit their temperament is a great way to start.

There are certain career paths that work just fine for highly sensitive persons. This is why it is important to know both your strengths and your weaknesses as a highly sensitive person.

This article would give an insight into the best careers for highly sensitive persons. Ones that make them feel happier than being in an unhappy work environment.

Highly Sensitive Persons & Careers

There are certain things you should know about highly sensitive people and their careers.

They Need Something More Than a Paycheck

For highly sensitive people, finding a job that doesn’t make them happy means they’ll quit sooner or later. Of course, no one can be a 100% happy with their career’s choices.

Sometimes people could wish they worked in a better place or they made more money. Sometimes they could feel they made too much money and do not enjoy the burden that comes with it.

Generally, job satisfaction isn’t easy to come by. And that applies to the highly sensitive. To them they need more than the paycheck and crave purpose and meaning.

The HSP takes their job as more than just their job. They interact with people on a regular basis and that means they encounter different emotions. Both from people they work with and their clients.

They are also exposed to different details of an environment or of a person. These include scents, subtle and loud sounds Etc. So many details others might miss.

Then they have to process every part of their day which can be mentally and emotionally draining for them. So, as you can see, it is more than just a job for them.

The average person gets completely exhausted after work and most times it’s twice as much for a HSP. They can get overstimulated and run out of energy. The only way they would agree to this is simply by embarking on a career that means something to them.

Careers and Highly Sensitive Persons

It is without a doubt that finding jobs you want can ge difficult. Meaningful jobs aren’t exactly easy to come by and a lot of people have just settled for the pay check. And as a HSP you can’t exactly decide to not work.

Here’s the thing: you need money and that means you need a source of income. If that source of income demands you finding a career, then you most likely would.

The world today is filled with a lot of people aiming for profit and not self-actualization. It’s difficult to blame anyone because of the nature of the economy. So we have people doing repetitive work daily just to afford things they need.

 Now let’s look at more meaningful career options. Just because you have a meaningful job does not mean you’ll work with people who think the same way. Your coworkers could be the very bane of your existence.

Remember that a job is more than your personality but also of those you work with and interact with daily.

Careers To Stay Away from As An HSP

Generally, HSPs have certain careers they are better off without. Jobs that require you being in frequent contact with other people is no advisable. More so if you can’t be yourself around them.

Jobs that would tend to have confrontations as part of it, obnoxious individuals and the need to be on the edge always. HSPs are better off without it.

Any job where you have to be in frequent contact with loud and sharp sounds is a no go area. Chaotic work environments will break the HSP a lot faster.

Jobs that require you to be in front of people always is also not the best choice of for your career as a HSP. Only reason to embark on it is if you have identified your strengths and weaknesses and it’s what you truly want.

You also do not want to work around people who have no regard for you as a person. Your co-workers can break you faster than your clients in some cases.

Some Best Careers for Highly Sensitive Persons

Highly sensitive persons have their strengths which make them a lot more suitable for certain career choices than others. Some of these careers for highly sensitive persons include:

1. Creatives

Highly sensitive persons can dominate in the creative space since they pay so much attention to detail. Creative roles such as illustrator, graphic designs, photographer, copywriter etc.

These jobs can help them build their professional experiences as well as well as earn money to sustain them. They can decide to get freelancers and work at their own time.

This way they aren’t easily overstimulated and their schedule can be very flexible. As creatives they get to call the shots most times.

2. Academia

Although this seems like a very competitive field, HSPs can thrive with this career option. They have so many strengths that can come to life here such as their thoughtfulness and empathy.

Again their attention to detail and insightful nature comes to play as well. And they get to spend their time alone except when with students.

So as a HSP you can go into academia if you’re interested in it and it is meaningful to you. Pick a field you care abort and explore that career option.

3. IT Professional

This is a good way to make income as a highly sensitive person. Coding and IT related jobs can be done at your own comfort and since you have a knack for detail, you’ll be just fine.

Jobs such as a website developer, software engineer and other jobs in tech may just be what you need. And consider they are currently in high demand; you’ll be able to make reasonable income.

As opposed to a noisy environment, you get to work at the comfort of your own workspace. This makes it a great career for a highly sensitive person.

4. Business Owner

HSPs can embark on owning a business if they don’t feel comfortable being employees in an unhealthy work environment.

It is important to note that highly sensitive persons are in no way weak and can be a force to reckon with. They can thrive in owning a small business.

This includes coffee houses, returnable, boutiques etc. considering their strengths, it can be a good way to do meaningful work and stand out.

5. Clergy

It isn’t exactly surprising that many HSPs can be deeply spiritual so they can fit into this perfectly. They love encouraging people and being there for them due to their empathetic nature.

Now you should know they aren’t dogmatic people but then to follow intuition in their spirituality. Their sensitivity can play a huge role here.

These are my top 5 picks for the best career choices for a highly sensitive person.

Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi is a photographer, writer, designer and an INTJ female. She enjoys telling stories and delivering messages through words, photographs and designs.

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