Challenges of Being an Intuitive Introvert


What exactly is an Intuitive introvert? People who plan for the future or people who are considered a lot more psychic? It’s easy to think the later but other sensing personality types can also display these attributes. So what exactly is an intuitive introvert?

If you’re familiar with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the personality types INTJ, INFJ, INFP and INTP are considered intuitive introvert. The introverted intuition also known as the “Ni” is a cognitive function. Now this simply is a way introverted intuitives use their minds as we have a daily more advanced Ni than other personality types (the sensing perceiving-SP) ones.

The Introverted Intuitive

Here are a few things to know about the introverted intuitive

1. They Love the Abstract

The introverted intuitive likes more abstract conversations than otherwise. The idea of understanding things others can’t easily decipher makes them quite excited. In fact, the more theoretical and abstract a conversation is, the higher the chances of us enjoying it.

2. They Live in Their Heads

They also want to live in their heads as much as they can. The Introverted intuitive can find reality boring and that’s why they “zone-out” every now and then. Sometimes they can’t even help It. One minute they are there and the next they are gone.

3. They Can Be Curious

A very interesting thing about this function is that curiosity to know the meaning of it all. The idea of trusting people based on first impression isn’t always acceptable as we believe there’s more than meets the eye. But an initial judgement based on intuition is not too far off at the end of the day. Reason we don’t completely discarded them.

4. They Are Quite Individualistic

No one embodies this like an advanced Ni function. Why? Because they detest herd mentality. They want to think for themselves and come to their own conclusion. There’s so much to explore so why let someone else do it for you. The idea of routines and repetitions can also seem very alien to them although it brings a certain balance in individual areas of life.

5. They Will Ask You Why

I always say the world is full of the “What” people and the “Why” people. People who only care for what just want to know the existence of something. Introverted Intuition would have you wanting to know why. Yes, something exists but why does it? How does it? And how is it perceived based on differential susceptibility?

Challenges of the Intuitive Introvert

Although the above mentioned can make the intuitive introvert seem smart and understanding, they face quite the number of challenges because of it. Here are 5 challenges they face you should be aware of.

1. Difficulty Living in The Moment

The idea of having a strong imagination can seem like a gift or the ability to daydream, an escape from reality. Although these are applicable, it can also be a curse because of difficulty living In the moment.

Introverts are naturally stuck in their head and lost in their own thoughts. What this does, however, is that we forget to come back to earth thereby missing on so many pleasures in life. It can also be very difficult connecting to people.

This is a reason why we tend to be alone most of the time and eventually lonely. Having to be present in most cases is the intuitive introvert grounding themselves and that is not easy. Sometimes it leads to a sensory overload and the need to shut the world out again becomes the only hope.

2. Problems with Being Overly Analytical

When you spend a lot of time overthinking, the bad thoughts are going to happen. It can in turn leave you sad and depressed. The idea of living in your head makes you think it’s all true even when it’s not. Many intuitive introverts tend to analyze everything and eventually leading to a burnout, anxiety or even depression.

Intuitive introverts constantly analyze everything from social interactions to their daily activities. The constant thinking makes it hard to get anything done and before you know it, the sun sets and we wait for a new day.

Although this function helps with planning and detailing, it can also hinder us from having the fun of the experience. Giving yourself a break every now and then is advisable to prevent going into overdrive.

3. Clashes with Reality

Intuitive introverts think a lot but what you don’t know Is they think about a lot of things that black with reality. Because of this, we find it difficult to bring out ideas to life so much and that makes them sad. If they could bring all the ideas In their heads to life, that’ll be something but somehow now entirely possible.

Because of the this, the motivation to take action is slow and they might take their time before taking actions. Having abstract ideas means compromising most times and looking for the most realistic way to bring It to life.

4. Difficulty Connecting with People

There’s always difficulty connecting with people with this function therefore leading to a very lonely life. Intuitive introverts tend to feel like no one really gets them and spend a lot of time trying to find that person.

They don’t care for most of the things people talk about even though we respect their choices. Finding people who like similar things to them can feel like a life long journey and it can leave them feeling lonely and alienated most of the time.

This Is why they tend to keep to themselves and are more times than not labeled antisocial. Making connections and keeping them can be a life long challenge,

5. Always Trying to Fill a Void

There’s always a constant need to fill a void for the idealist. Existential crisis can be the order of the day one too many times. This is why they spend so much time constantly learning and challenging themselves intellectually.

Repetition makes us feel like we are in an Infinite loop with no hope out. Leaving us in autopilot with no sense of purpose.

Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi is a photographer, writer, designer and an INTJ female. She enjoys telling stories and delivering messages through words, photographs and designs.

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