Who is the INTP 5w4? (The Complete Guide)


If you are an INTP, you’ll probably identify with qualities such as analytical, logical, and blunt. These are the basic qualities of an INTP. When this personality type is compared with the enneagram, a significant number identify themselves as 5w4. So, who really is the INTP 5w4?

What Can You Expect from an INTP 5w4?

The INTP 5w4 have a lot of traits that are natural to the INTP. This a very independent personality type who likes their alone time.

While the INTP 5w4 will look very much like the INTP, there will be some changes in the personality due to the effect of the wing. INTP 5w4 wants to be self-reliant. They also have a craving for knowledge.

This often means that they spend their life gathering more information than they could possibly need. This information eventually shapes the career path they choose.

How rare is the INTP 5w4?

INTPs make up about 3% of the world’s population. Type 5 is the second rarest personality type in the world. Thus, INTP 5w4s are really rare when looking at the grand picture.

Rarity means that INTP 5w4s can often be misunderstood by their friends and family. Thus, learning more about them becomes even more important.

What is the Basic Desire of the INTP 5w4?

The basic desire of the INTP 5w4 is to be self-sufficient. They have burning curiosity and are quite similar to the INFJ 4w5 in this aspect.

They use their creative skills and analytical mind to achieve self-sufficiency.

What is the Basic Fear of the INTP 5w4?

The basic fear of the INTP 5w4 is to be dependent. To avoid this, they tend to gather as much information as they can to achieve self-sufficiency.

Differences between Core INTPs and INTP 5w4

1.      More Creative

INTPs are thinkers and theorists. While this is true, they are not usually the best at implementation. INTP 5w4s, on the other hand, master the art of implementation when it comes to creative works.

Don’t be surprised then if your INTP 5w4 is adept at playing the piano or seems to be an amazing painter.

While their creative tendencies will definitely show, the main emphasis for this personality type will be remaining independent.

Thus, they might never take their creative talent too seriously.

2.      More Self-Absorbed

While type 5s are not known for being self-absorbed, their wing is. Thus, INTP 5w4s might be self-absorbed. The extent will depend on the strength of their wing.

Thus, INTP 5w4s might find it easier to be sucked into their own world and problems. Again, this largely depends on their wing.  

3.      Super Introverted

INTPs are super introverts. The combination of type 5 and type 4 just makes this more extreme. Thus, most INTP 5w4s isolate themselves early on in their lives.

To people, this might seem boring or just worrying. However, this personality type often gets lost in their world and projects.

They are hardly even aware of how isolated they are.

4.      More Considerate

INTPs are not just introverts. They really like their alone time. As type 5s, they can appear really detached from their loved ones.

However, INTP 5w4s will be more considerate. The extent to which this is true will depend on their wing. They will learn to find time for their family and enjoy their company.

INTP 5w4s, thus appear to be more balanced than other INTPs.

5.      More Complacent

Type 4 and type 5 are notorious for living in their heads. Thus, a combination of these two types might be a disaster waiting to happen. They will struggle to motivate themselves for any task that they do not especially enjoy.

Related Article- INFJ 4w5

This might be a problem especially if they are in a career path that is not exactly their favorite. INTP 5w4s will need to add discipline if they are to meet their targets.

Their lax attitude might also make them seem unreliable to other personality types.

INTP 5w4 vs INTP 5w6

It can be difficult to pinpoint if you are an INTP 5w4 or an INTP 5w6. Here are some of their main differences.

·         Extra dose of creativity vs security

When it comes to the differences between these two types, our first point of call is their wing. INTP 5w4 will have more creativity as earlier stated. The INTP 5w6, on other hand, will be more interested in being secure.

Thus, type 5’s need to be self-reliant will be complemented and strengthened by type 6’s need to be secure. So, the INTP 5w6 and INTP 5w4 will look totally different.

·         Analytical vs Considerate

While we know that the INTP is quite analytical, their wing alters their personality a bit. INTP 5w6 will focus on analysis more than INTP 5w4.

INTP 5w6 will uncover any loophole that might be present to make sure that their action is the right one. INTP 5w4, on the other hand, will be more considerate towards others.

·         INTJ vs INFJ

These types also have different lookalikes. The INTP 5w4 will look a lot like the INFJ while the INTP 5w6 will look a lot like the INTJ.

They will have some of their main flaws and can easily be mistyped.

·         Pure Fear vs Fear/Shame

If you are well-versed with the enneagrams, you probably have heard about the enneagram triads. If you haven’t, you can click that link.

Type 4 is in the shame triad while type 5 and 6 are the fear triad. Thus, INTP 5w4 accesses their emotions through fear and tries to avoid shameful situations.

However, the INTP 5w6 accesses their emotions through fear. This fear is doubled by the fact that both types are in this triad.

INTP 5w4 and Career Options

INTP 5w4 particularly enjoys career paths that mentally stimulate them. They also love working in an environment that demands creativity and has a lot of flexibility.

Best Careers for INTP 5w4

  • Writer
  • Graphic Designer
  • Scientist
  • Poet
  • Professor
  • Economist
  • Financial Analyst
  • Lawyer

Careers that INTP 5w4 Should Avoid

  • Bartender
  • Receptionist
  • Administrative Secretary
  • Paralegal
  • Compliance Officer

Growth Tips for INTP 5w4

1.      Complacency Can Be a Hindrance

You probably have big targets that you want to achieve. If this is true, then you have to fight complacency. This hinders how much you can achieve.

We know how hard it can be. However, by following certain tips, complacency might not be that big of an issue.

2.      Cultivate your Creative Side

While you are mostly a rational person, you also have a wonderful creative side. Try to cultivate it. When you do, you are actually happier.

Ignore it and you actually end up becoming more detached.

3.      Embrace your Sensitive Side

Admit it. You have a sensitive side hidden behind all that logic and objectivity. You need to learn when to use it. Sometimes, being sensitive does the trick better than cold hard logic.

Fictional/Anime Characters that are INTP 5w4

  • L (Death Note)
  • Kozume Kenma (Haikyuu!!)
  • Ranpo Edogawa (Bungou Stray Dogs)
  • Albedo (Genahin Impact)
  • Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
  • Hiccup Horrendous (How to Train Your Dragon)
  • Michelle “MJ” Jones (MCU: The Heroes)
  • Zeke Yeager (Shingeki no Kyojin)
  • Hiro Hamada (Big Hero 6)
  • Gary the Snail (SpongeBob SquarePants)
  • Kabuto Yakuahi (Naruto Shippūden)
  • Lain Iwakura (Serial Experiments Lain)

Celebrities/Famous People that are INTP 5w4

  • Albeit Einstein
  • Stephen King
  • Marie Curie
  • H. P. Lovecraft
  • Elliot Page
  • Jesse Eisenberg
  • Bogdan Yakubets
  • Victor Frankenstein
  • Aldous Huxley
  • Matthew Bellamy
  • Lou Reed
Edward is a freelancer and blogger who is fascinated by psychology and the MBTI. When he's not writing, he's reading and discussing his many scattered ideas.

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