personality type

Introvert vs Shy: Understanding The Differences

Introvert vs Shy? Have you ever wondered if they are one and the same thing? Introverts are usually categorized as shy but the truth is, they are not one and the same. Although some...

SO/SP Instinctual Enneagram Subtype- A Guide

The enneagram of personality goes deeper than just knowing your enneagram types. Your instinctual enneagram subtype also plays a crucial part in understanding your personality traits. One such instinctual variant is the SO/SP. Do you...

The INTJ And Heartbreak and Post Breakup

What’s the link between the INTJ and Heartbreak? What’s the most common response of an INTJ post breakup? Just like every other personality type, a heartbreak can sting and handling it might not be...

INTP With ADHD: What To Know

How does an INTP with ADHD cope and go about their daily lives. Many times, associating a personality type with ADHD or ADD is not so farfetched. There are some personality types that are...

INFP 8w7- Here’s What You Should Know

Can an INFP 8w7 really exist? If that’s a question on your mind, then this article will benefit you. Here, we’ll discuss everything you should know about the INFP 8w7. Stick around. What are INFP 8w7s...

Challenges of Being an Intuitive Introvert

What exactly is an Intuitive introvert? People who plan for the future or people who are considered a lot more psychic? It’s easy to think the later but other sensing personality types can also...

INFP 3w4- Untamed Brooding Elegance

We love the INFPs for everything they do. One of the variants of the INFP is the INFP 3w4. This gives them a completely different look. Stick around if you want to learn more about...

Are INTJs Villains? 3 Most Popular Misconception

Are INTJs Villains? If you’ve come across movies where character MBTIs are mentioned, it is without doubt you notice the INTJs are usually portrayed as villains or with malicious intent at the very least....

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