SO/SP Instinctual Enneagram Subtype- A Guide


The enneagram of personality goes deeper than just knowing your enneagram types. Your instinctual enneagram subtype also plays a crucial part in understanding your personality traits. One such instinctual variant is the SO/SP.

Do you want to know more about the SO/SP instinctual subtype? You’re in the right place. Let’s go!

What Does SO/SP Mean?

In the enneagram, instinctual stacking is used to dive deeper into the subtypes. There are predominantly three instinctual variants. These are:

  • Self-Preservation (SP)
  • Social (SO)
  • Sexual (SX)

These variants can further be divided into 6. These six instincts are categorized based on their dominant and blind spots. For example, SO/SP simply means that SO is the dominant instinctual variant and SP is their blind spot.

The six variants are

  • SO/SP
  • SO/SX
  • SX/SP
  • SX/SO
  • SP/SX
  • SP/SO

In other words, people with the SO/SP instinctual variant are more likely to focus on the social subtype and neglect the self-preservation subtype.

The SO/SP subtype is calmer and more collected. This subtype is concerned with the group’s strength. They want to be part of a strong group. This often translates to them having greater influence in a group.

Because the sexual subtype is their secondary instinctual variant, they often look for intense relationships between their friends and romantic partners. The SO/SP tries to successfully suppress their primitive need for survival which is the hallmark of the self-preservation subtype.

Most SO/SP types are likely to be assertive rather than laid back.

Top Signs That You Use the SO/SP Instinctual Subtype

1.   You Look at For the Group

SO/SP is primarily concerned about the group’s strengths and interests. To them, they see strength in keeping the group strong.

Thus, expect them to be great at balancing the group’s interests with theirs. They nurture and look out for their group, sometimes even more than their interests.

Their identity is warped with the identity of the group. If the group is strong enough, they can become extremely successful.

2.   Intensity Speaks Your Language

This follows the last point. SO/SP operates with great intensity. They want their bonds with their loved ones to be super strong.

This might be hard to tell since they usually have a quiet demeanor. However, SO/SP go hard for their friends.

Their intensity makes them seem reliable and loyal. Their impression is correct.

3.   You Can Be Influential

Because of their focus on a small or large group of people, they can become influential. This is where their sexual subtype rears its head.

Once the SO/SP is comfortable within a group, they give their opinions more readily. Because of how assertive they may sound while remaining calm, people are drawn to them.

SO/SP are also great motivators. People might feel energized to go about their tasks after speaking to them.

Their impact is huge.

4.   You’re Reserved

Despite your openness in group settings, you are calmer and can even be introverted. SO/SP are often clumsy when dealing with new people.

They might seem shy, reserved, and withdrawn. While this is true, this does not necessarily scream introverted.

SO/SP are just comfortable around people they know.

5.   You Can Be A bit too Formal

Unlike the SX/SO and SP/SO, SO/SP is a bit too formal. Again, this feeling usually comes when they are in unfamiliar territory.

SO/SP might joke less and seem more rigid. However, things are completely different when they are with familiar faces.

Formal might mean less likely to make jokes or be extremely friendly.

6.   You’re Extremely Flexible/Tactful

The need to manage different personalities and situations comes with a love of the group. SO/SP realizes that and executes it to perfection.

This subtype is very flexible with their ideas. This allows them to adapt to changing circumstances.

Thus SO/SP are usually well-liked in their communities. Their need for harmony is contagious.

7.   Alliances Make the World Go Round

SO/SPs are all into groups. While this is true, they understand the need for networking and alliances.

Thus, while they might be loyal to their friends, they might connect strongly with individuals outside their circles.

The enemy of my friend is my enemy does not always apply to people with the SO/SP subtype.

Commonly Asked Questions About the SO/SP Instinctual Enneagram Subtypes

What are the Three Subtypes?

The three instinctual subtypes are the self-preservation, social and sexual subtypes. These subtypes can be explained alone or in conjunction with their enneagram types.

For better understanding, it’s always better to compare them with their enneagram type.

What is SP Dominant?

SP dominant means that the person has self-preservation as their dominant instinctual variant. However, not all SP dominant are the same.

SP dominant can either be SP/SO or SP/SX. SP dominant is the most popular subtype in the world.

What is the Difference Between SP/SX and SX/SP?

SP/SX is the subtype where SP is dominant, and SX is the blind spot, while SX/SP is the subtype where SX is dominant and SP is the blindspot.

While people with SP/SX put themselves first before the group, SX/SP live for intensity and close friendships.

That’s all about the SO/SP! I hope you had a blast.

Edward is a freelancer and blogger who is fascinated by psychology and the MBTI. When he's not writing, he's reading and discussing his many scattered ideas.

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