Introvert Activities You Can Always Rely On


The need for introverted activities to keep you company can never be overemphasized. As introverts, we love spending time alone. We need to be surrounded with maybe a small group of friends in our own little world. But what kind of activities does the introvert like?

Introverts usually come off as boring. However, in reality, they just detest overstimulating activities. Their idea of fun is considered either nerdy or boring. Contrary to popular belief, introverts do not want to be by theirselves 24/7. And even if they do, they have activities that can keep them company.

It is very important as an introvert to have hobbies and activities you enjoy doing. Spending all your time indoors without these activities can take a toll on your mental health. So how do you choose an activity that doesn’t drain you?

Finding activities that also helps your recharge process is important. The last thing you want to do is get overwhelmed by the activities you choose. This can lead to burnout or an introverted hangover.

Introverts love activities such as writing, reading, painting, and much more. But there’s more. Let’s find out 10 introvert activities you can do alone or with other people.

Introvert Activities You Can Do Alone or With People

1. Yoga

Yoga is first on my list because as a yogi, it keeps me company and gives me something to look forward to. The great thing about yoga is that it does the complete opposite of leaving you overstimulated.

Yoga helps both your body and mind. Joining a yoga class might seem too much for an introvert, but then we have YouTube. YouTube is a great way to learn new poses and also keep you entertained.

2. Walks

Taking a walk is one of the best ways to clear your mind. Look at beautiful scenery and listen to music. You can decide to take a walk alone, with your pet, or with a friend,

Walking is also great for your heart and your body. It is not overstimulating and you can choose a route that is safe for you and limits socializing. You can choose to ride a bike for an extra razzle dazzle.

3. Go Hiking

Hiking is an introvert’s dream. Beautiful scenery, being away from people, less noise, and a chance to collect your thoughts while being physically active. The hustle and bustle of the city can get to us. However, mother nature would always be there to embrace us into her arms.

Introverts love nature because of how welcoming and peaceful it is. It could be as simple as staring at the ocean or viewing the world from the top of a cliff. It is important to not go alone for safety purposes. A small group would always come in handy.

4. Reading  

If there’s one way to travel the world without moving an inch, it would be through books. Introverts tend to love books for this sole purpose. They provide the much needed companionship.

Books give introverts a chance to explore their imaginations. This is something that appeals greatly to us. There are so many books to pick from. So, there’s something for everyone. This includes romance, history, and fantasy.

5. Writing

Another activity that appeals greatly to introverts is writing. It could be from journaling to writing fiction to non fiction. That’s the beauty of writing. It lets you express yourself in words.

Writing is a great way for introverts to express themselves. Journaling helps you identify challenges, progress, and setbacks in your life. It takes away the anger in your heart and builds up the joy in your soul. Writing, even fiction, is one of the best activities for an introvert.

6. Visit The Library

You’d be amazed how welcoming the library is for introverts. Since we love reading, what better place to be than the library itself? It’s filled with books, people who love to read, and the sweet sweet sound of silence.

Plus, you have more excuse not to answer calls or look at your phone. A great place to study without distractions. You do not necessarily have to be studying. Sometimes the library serves as a perfect getaway.

7. Consider Getting Techy

Considering that we like spending time alone, learning programming and coding is a great way to spend time. These are great introvert activities because they require a great deal of focus, something introverts are known for.

Not only can this be a hobby but it can be a great career choice if you want it to be. Careers like this usually have great pay and the problem solving and analytical nature of the introvert helps them fit right in.

8. Be More Craftsy

Maybe tech isn’t for you and that’s perfectly fine. Introverts fit in just about anywhere. You can consider getting your hands busy with arts and crafts. From knitting to sewing to painting, you can do anything with your hands.

You can also make things you can use and/or sell such as hats, beanies, and blankets. You can decide to do it for the sake of learning a new skill. Don’t let it overwhelm you. Doing it for fun tends to eliminate that pressure.

9. Consider Baking & Cooking

As an introvert who isn’t exactly big on cooking, I do it sometimes to pass time or keep me entertained. It could be baking cake, or making donuts, pies etc. being alone in the kitchen is a great way to collect your thoughts and make delicious treats.

Don’t know the first thing about cooking? That shouldn’t bother you as there are lots of cook books and YouTube channels to guide you along the way. Cooking, especially alone, is one of the best activities for introverts.

10. Gardening

Just like pets, plants can be a great companion to the introvert. Of course, they do not move around but they need love and attention too. Gardening connect us to the earth. Plus, you can do it in complete and utter silence.

Taking care of something and watching it grow can be satisfying. Plants can also be quite therapeutic. You can have some indoor plants and outdoor plants. It all depends on what you want and can afford.

These activities are enough to keep any introvert busy and occupied without necessarily overstimulating them. What are your favorite introvert activities?

Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi is a photographer, writer, designer and an INTJ female. She enjoys telling stories and delivering messages through words, photographs and designs.

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