How Can Introverts Recharge Faster?


Introverts get all their energy sapped by the littlest interactions. A couple of hours of socializing is more than enough to keep you indoors for a whole week. Introverts get socially exhausted easily. Sometimes this recharging period is intentional and other times it’s not.

Here’s the thing, as an introvert you rarely control the recharge time you need. Sometimes you think you do not need a lot but then you realize that you need more. Attempting to socialize without recharging completely can backfire.

But what happens when you need to recharge faster? Maybe your recharge time is taking a toll on your productivity which someone involves lots of socializing? The quicker you recharge, the faster you’re back on the field.

Here are amazing ways you can recharge as an introvert.

1. Meditation And Yoga

Meditation and yoga are one way I try to keep sane when I feel completely drained by the world around me. These activities help you stay more in tune with your environment as you focus on the important things in your life.

Meditation can help to clear the mind and relax the body. Also, not only is yoga good for the mind but it also acts as physical therapy. Sometimes all the tension in our body is right in the muscles.

Taking 5-10 minutes of meditation everyday can bring you a form of inner peace you didn’t know you could achieve. So why not shut the world out and identify your thoughts?

2. Introverts should practice more self care

Self care is highly recommended for any introvert looking to recharge. Taking a long bath, doing your nails, putting on some makeup and generally taking care of your skin can always put you in a good mood.

It’s one way to pass time but most importantly, it’s a great way to feel good. A long bubble bath, your music playing in the background as you enjoy a quiet evening never goes wrong.

You can take a book along with you or watch a movie in the bath. That’s the secret, there are no rules. You do what you need to do to feel it’s time to get off the water.

3. Explore Your Hobby and More

Contrary to popular belief, when introverts recharge, we don’t exactly stay idle. We have a good number of things we do with our time. Introverts tend to have numerous hobbies and most do not require a partner.

One way to recharge is by exploring your hobbies and possibly newer ones. You can read a book, write a book, bake a cake, garden etc. the list is endless. It’s a great way to learn more about yourself as you heal from a hangover.

Writing and reading are very common introverted hobbies. You do not necessarily have to write a book but journaling is one why to express yourself. And the importance of expressing can never be overestimated.

4. Put In Some Cardio

Cardio is a great way to swear out a lot of stress of the day. You can choose to go for a run, power walk or just walk your dog. All these are also great for your physical and mental health.

You can incorporate music into your routine and get lost in your own world. I listen to music a lot because it keeps me sane when I think I’m about to lose my mind. Music offers the comfort of an old friend and the excitement of a new one.

Cardio is also a great way to get your endorphins going and when it’s all so, a shower to calm your body. Making it a great way to overcome the introvert hangover and recharge faster.

5. Hang Out with Yourself or A Friend

This can come off as shocking but introverts do not hate people, they just hate having to deal with a lot at a time. They tend to have a close group of friends they do not mind socializing with once in a while.

Taking yourself out to dinner might sound fun and if that doesn’t work you can always call up a close friend. One who understands you and you both can be alone together.

Someone who doesn’t give the added pressure of talking or impressing. They can keep you company as you do so too. So having date nights with friends who understand you and won’t burn you out is very important.


These are very simple and straightforward ways to recharge faster as an introvert. And you can always retire with the sleeping option. Maybe you’re all burned out because you aren’t getting adequate rest and sleep.

Never ignore your body when it signifies it needs rest or you just prolong your recharging period and no one wants that. Let me know which one works best for you in the comments.

Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi is a photographer, writer, designer and an INTJ female. She enjoys telling stories and delivering messages through words, photographs and designs.

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