How to Not Let Things Bother You-7 Great Tips


What are the tips on how to not let things bother you? Ever so often we find ourselves getting worried about about a lot of things. Sometimes things we have absolutely no control over.

It is without question that doubt and anxiety comes to the average person once in a while. However, we all tend to respond to it more differently than others. Some people have a full-on anxiety attacks and others do not.

When you let things get to you, they tend to eat you up on the inside. Slowly but definitely steadily. This is why I’ve made a list of how to not let things bother you.

7 Tips on How To Not Let Things Bother You  

1. Get A Journal

Whenever people go through stuff around me, I always advice them to get a journal or at least write it down. Sometimes keeping a journal helps us see how we really feel. It brings a lot into perspective.

When things start getting to you, pull out your journal and beginning writing. What is the foundation of the problem? How does it make you feel? What can you do about it?

When you write down your frustrations, you know where to start from. It gives you a clearer view of both your positive and negative emotions. It helps to identify things you can and can not control.

2. Identify What’s in Your Control, Accept What’s Not

Have you ever stayed up awake all night thinking about something you literally could do nothing about? So, you just lie in bed, staring at the ceiling. Your chest feeling heavy and tight.

When things like this bother you, it is crucial to accept you can’t control them. No amount of thinking is going to fix it and you just put yourself in emotional and physical discomfort.

You might be feeling guilty or worthless when you can’t fix something but you have to acknowledge things you can’t change. It is the only way to set yourself free from this unending turmoil.

3. Address What You Can

When something bothers you a lot, why not address what you can instead of overly thinking about it? Yes, it’s not exactly easy doing this. When we are overwhelmed by emotions, it can make you less productive.

One tip to help you is making a plan. You already have a journal so you’ve identified what you can do. Now the problem is execution. Remember the longer you put it off, the longer the uncomfortable tug in your chest.

And when you do something, you feel a little better. You know deep down you’ve done your part. Only thing left is things you have no control over.

4. Meditate/Exercise

Meditation, yoga and other forms of exercise can help you when things are beginning to get to you. Your mind completely shifts from the part where you’re obsessing about things not in your control.

When doing more mindful exercise, you’re more in control of your thoughts and more aware of your body and environment. Exercises are great for blood circulation and getting your muscles toned.

If you do not exactly know where to start, yoga is a great way to go. Do not underestimate the power of meditation.

5. Talk To Someone

When things are beginning to get to you, talk to someone about it. It could be your friends, and if you believe in God, pray. Sometimes the reason our chest feels so heavy is because we have a lot of things to let go of.

It is usually harder to deal with certain things alone so why not reach out to someone. It doesn’t matter if they have the solution to your problem. Sometimes all you really need is to vent, then take a nap.

Friends are there to support you and be the backbone you need when you can’t feel yours. And if you aren’t sure, you can talk to a therapist.

6. Have Happy Thoughts

Intrusive thoughts usually come to us when you have a lot of things bothering us. They are so frequent they make us forget all the good things happening in our lives. Countering them with happy thoughts helps.

Think about the good things in your life, things that make you happy and things you’re grateful for. Let them be the front runner in your mind. Stressful times come, it’s life and we can’t evade it.

But we can’t also deny the fact we’ve had moments we feel are a little worth being happy for. This is where gratitude comes in. It helps you put your mindset straight.

Your thought process shouldn’t just be thinking of the bad. Be grateful for the good and know that this too shall pass.

7. Do Happy Things

Engage in activities that make you happy. Your hobbies shouldn’t be overlooked as you have them for a reason. Use that to fight the worry that keeps you up at night.

It doesn’t exactly solve your problems but neither does doing nothing and being consumed in negativity. When you’re occupied with things you love doing, you’re free from worry. Doesn’t matter if it’s just got a little time.

This is one important tip on how to not let things bother you.


When we let things get to us, they begin eating us up from the inside first. Sooner or later it takes a more physical toll on us and leaves us as a shadow of our past self.

Don’t keep your head down. Instead lift your chin up and take control of what you can. With these easy tips, you’ve learned how to not let things bother you.

Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi is a photographer, writer, designer and an INTJ female. She enjoys telling stories and delivering messages through words, photographs and designs.

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