
Edward is a freelancer and blogger who is fascinated by psychology and the MBTI. When he's not writing, he's reading and discussing his many scattered ideas.



INFP-T: Here’s What You Can Expect

INFPs are incredible. Their sweet nature can make you feel warm and at home. INFPs are roughly divided into two. These are the INFP-T and the INFP-A. Here, we’ll focus more on the INFP-T and...

INFJ-A: Here’s What You Can Expect

Empathetic and warm. These are the usual words used to describe INFJs. We certainly agree. INFJ-A is a subtype of INFJs. The other subtype is the INFJ-T. Here’s an interesting article about INFJ-T. you...

INFJ-T: Here’s What You Can Expect

It’s a pretty big world out there. That fact is well known to the INFJ-T. Possibly the rarest subtype in the MBTI, INFJ-Ts are more alone in this world than other sets of people....

INTP-T: Here’s What You Can Expect

If you want to know what logic feels like, have a sit-down session with an INTP. Yes, they are that good. We love having INTPs around. These thinkers are usually sub-divided into two groups....

Ranking the Rarest Personality Type (MBTI and Enneagrams)

Personality types can be fun to explore. Trust me, we know all about it. Two of the most popular personality assessment is the MBTI and Enneagrams. Here, we will be looking at the rarest...

INTP-A: Here’s What You Should Know

INTPs are going to be around for a long time. We definitely have no complaints here. Their need to verify the truth and their undiluted logic makes them stand out. According to 16personalities, INTPs...

The ISFJ 6w5 (The Complete Guide)

ISFJs are known for their caring and nurturing traits. ISFJs usually identify as type 6 in the enneagram of personality. So, here, we’ll talk a bit about the ISFJ 6w5 and what you can...

INFJ Female- Here’s What You Can Expect

INFJs are very complex people. They also happen to be the rarest personality type in the world. While this might seem really nice and exciting, it can make them feel isolated and alone. The...

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