INFP-T: Here’s What You Can Expect


INFPs are incredible. Their sweet nature can make you feel warm and at home. INFPs are roughly divided into two. These are the INFP-T and the INFP-A.

Here, we’ll focus more on the INFP-T and what you can expect when dealing with them.

Exploring the Life of the INFP-T

The T in INFP stands for turbulent. This means that INFP-Ts have a more relaxed disposition to life. They are less assertive and are often ready to go with the flow.

This type will be flexible and adaptable to situations. When placed on a pedestal with the enneagram of personality, INFP-Ts are more likely to identify as type 9 than any other type.

This makes sense as the turbulent INFP embodies most traits peculiar to type 9.

Strengths of the INFP-T

1.      They Work Hard on their Flaws

INFPs see the world as an idealist. Thus, they believe things ought to be done a certain way. This also applies when dealing with themselves. INFP-Ts take this to the next level.

They see their flaws clearly and believe things should be better. This spurs them on to be better people and to work on themselves.

This singular reason will see the turbulent INFP make significant progress in their lives.

2.      More Diplomatic

INFP-T embodies the nickname of the INFP. They are mediators by their very nature. This personality type can be extremely diplomatic and knows how to solve conflicts.

This is probably because they often see both sides of an issue and can find a middle ground easily. People often feel understood by the INFP-T. Thus, they find it easy to listen to what they have to say.

3.      Great Communicator and Listener

INFP-Ts are people-oriented. Thus, they actually care about people and want to see them happy. Their care makes them excellent listeners. Because they are so good at listening, they usually make great psychologists and counselors.

INFPs can also express themselves very clearly. When they speak, they do so with so much warmth and feeling. People often feel at home when talking with this personality type.

4.      More Likely to think through a decision

INFPs are spontaneous people. They are at their best when they are passionate, excited, and have their blood pumping in their veins. However, this might often lead to carelessness and reckless decisions.

With INFP-T, we get a slightly different trait. While they are still as excited, INFP-T dread making serious mistakes. Thus, they are more likely to think things through.

They are also more likely to seek the advice of people they believe to be more experienced. Thus, they have fewer issues to deal with.

Related- The INFP Female (Complete Guide)

5.      More Empathetic

Because they are more people-oriented and listen more, INFP-Ts are usually warmer and empathetic. They also deal with a lot of emotions themselves. So, they understand how people feel when passing through heartbreak, grief, or negative emotions.

Thus, if you need a comforter, a turbulent INFP is the best person for the job.

Weaknesses of the INFP-T

1.      Dealing with Emotions

The irony of this personality type is that most of its strengths are also its weaknesses. INFP-Ts find it difficult to deal with negative emotions.

Thus, it’s always a herculean task to overcome them. When this goes on for a while, they can easily sink into depression or have bouts of anxiety. INFP-T need to remind themselves of their current blessings when facing issues in life.

2.      People-Pleasers

INFP-Ts are very invested in people. Thus, it can be a problem to say no. They often find it hard to meet up with their own life affairs while also help others.

This can leave them stressed and burned out. INFP-T needs to find the right balance between helping others and maintaining self-care.

3.      Self-Critical

As earlier stated, INFP-Ts work really hard to improve their flaws. While this will ultimately make them better people, it comes with some heavy sacrifices. This personality type can become too hard on themselves.

With this comes several problems. It can easily lead to a loss of self-esteem and confidence. INFP-T needs to realize that no one is perfect. No matter how hard you try, you are bound to make mistakes.

4.      Complacent

INFP-Ts are laid back. Thus, they won’t take action the way INFP-As does. This can lead to problems with procrastination and complacency.

INFP-Ts know what they want to do but like the discipline to carry it out. Complacency might also be the result of indecision. INFP-Ts need a lot of reassurance before they make a decision.

That often takes time. Thus, this personality type might abandon the whole decision process altogether if it is too stressful.

INFP-T and Relationships

Are you thinking of dating a turbulent INFP? Here are some of the things you should know.

·        Be prepared to take the Initiative

INFPs are spontaneous people. Yet, they are still introverts. They are even more introverted than other INFPs.

So, if you are dating one, be prepared to take the initiative in conversations and planning events. Once you do, the INFP-T will meet you halfway. Trust me, once they get started, the conversation or event will be awesome.

·        Idealistic

INFPs are an idealistic bunch. Thus, when they enter a relationship, they expect certain things to be perfect. This is no different with turbulent INFPs. They have a fairytale picture of a relationship.

Thus, it can be quite disheartening for them when their relationship struggles or does not live up to their expectations.

You just have to give them time. If you are doing your best and they can see that, they will definitely come around.

·        Quality Time and Physical Touch

INFPs love quality time and physical touch with their partners. This does not change with the INFP-T. If you are dating an INFP-T, make sure you give them loads of quality time and attention.

Physical intimacy doesn’t hurt either as long as there is mutual consent. They will be absolutely delighted.

INFP-T and Compatibility

INFP-Ts are mostly compatible with ENFJ-A and ESFJ-A. While this is true, make sure you consider all factors before making any decisions.

There are far more important factors than the MBTI.

Growth Tips for INFP-T

  • We know you love people. However, learning to say no will definitely help you achieve your goals.
  • Complacency will definitely hurt. Let’s take action as soon as possible.
  • No one is perfect. So, try not to be too hard on yourself. Learn to count your blessings.
Edward is a freelancer and blogger who is fascinated by psychology and the MBTI. When he's not writing, he's reading and discussing his many scattered ideas.

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