What Can Introverts learn from Extroverts and Vice Versa?


What can introverts learn from extroverts and vice versa? The world is full of complimenting each other and that begs the question, what can we learn from each other? As an introvert who seems to be drowning in an extroverted world, learning a few things from extroverts can help you stay afloat.

Everyone is well aware of the differences between introverts and extroverts. As an introvert, I prefer the solitude of my own company, and the more stimulation I get, the easier I burn out.

Unlike the extrovert who feels comfortable with crowds, and get their energy from people, introvert require recharge time. Where we just regain our lost energy from all the socializing, no matter how little.

The bottom line remains that introverts and extroverts are different and that isn’t a bad thing. We can learn certain things from each other. The differences go from the way we interact, talk, think, etc. this explains why there tends to be a lot of misunderstanding amongst ourselves.

Extroverts tend to feel introverts are antisocial. Introverts tend to feel extroverts are loud and obnoxious. Extroverts feel all introverts are shy while introverts feel the extrovert is completely overbearing.

But it is important to know that each personality type has their advantage and disadvantage. This means they all bring something different. So, what can an introvert learn from an extrovert and vice versa? Here are 3 ways this can happen for both parties.

Ways The Introvert Can Learn from The Extrovert

Here are important and useful things an introvert can learn from an extrovert.

Cultivating Better Conversation Skills

Socializing and conversations are quite hard for an introvert. Sometimes it makes us feel completely uncomfortable to even engage with people. Unlike the extrovert, it doesn’t come naturally to us one bit. This could be because of our overthinking abilities or the fact we hate small talk.

But these conversation skills are necessary for our everyday life and this is an important thing to learn from the extrovert. Mastering the art of small talk makes you come off as more confident which a lot of introverts are but rarely show.

Leaning on a Support Network

If there’s one thing that an introvert would cringe over is asking for help. Introverts could be on fire but would find it completely difficult to ask someone for help and this shouldn’t be so. Learning how to lean on a supportive network like the extrovert is very important in this world.

It is important to realize that no man is an island and we all need each other every now and then. So, finding a group of people, no matter how small, to vocalize your problems and lean on is an important thing. And introverts can learn that from extroverts.

Step Out of Their Comfort Zone 

Introverts find it difficult to step out of their comfort zone due to their overthinking abilities and need to stick to a routine. But that doesn’t always bring the best results, unlike the more open-minded extrovert.

One thing introverts can learn from extroverts is being more open-minded to trying new things and experiencing life in more ways than one. Discover new skills and always build themselves up to meet the extroverted world eye to eye.

Ways Extroverts Can Learn from Introverts

Extroverts too have a good number of things they can learn from their introverted counterpart. They include:

Learn The Art of Reflection

If there’s one thing an extrovert can learn from an introvert is the art of reflection. Introverts take time away to recharge their batteries and reflect on their lives. They incorporate activities such as meditation and journaling to help them achieve this.

Extroverts need to learn to set aside time to know more about themselves and practice more mindful meditation. Not only does it help their mental health but also their physical health as well. Helping them achieve and feel better.

The Art of Listening and Observing

If there’s one thing introverts are great at is the art of listening. Their listening and observational skills are second to none and those are characteristics the extrovert doesn’t quite possess. Introverts prefer speaking less and listening more.

Extroverts, on the other hand, spend more time talking and that necessarily isn’t a bad thing but learning when to take a deep back and listen is very crucial for character development. Plus, it helps you think before you speak and have better insight into the conversation.

More Deep Conversation, Less Small Talk

It is no doubt that small talk eventually led to deeper conversations. Extroverts on the other hand prefer a lot of small talk compared to deeper and more meaningful conversation. And that is the complete opposite of the introvert who detests small talk.

Extroverts prefer more lighthearted conversations but it would not hurt to go deeper and find out more meaningful conversations with the people around you. Remember that deep conversations help you understand a person better and even form a deeper connection.

All these are ways both introverts and extroverts can benefit from each other. Which does it for you?

Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi is a photographer, writer, designer and an INTJ female. She enjoys telling stories and delivering messages through words, photographs and designs.

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