Signs You’re Dealing With An Introvert Narcissist


Who is the introvert narcissist? Are you secretly a narcissist and what signs should you look out for? This article will tell you all you need to know about the introverted narcissist. How to identify one and how to deal with one.

Who Is A Narcissist?

Narcissism is usually used lightly as someone who is self involved and seemingly loves themselves so much but it is a much deeper topic than that. 

Narcissists are individuals who tend to have a strong sense of entitlement marked as self worth. They thrive on attention and admiration from other people. Narcissists come off as self centered and most likely only do things in their own favor. This also implies that their selfishness means they would rarely and almost never go out of their way for other people.

One reason is because of their love of empathy for others. They rarely think about others besides themselves but instead exhibit arrogant, manipulative and self centered attributes. Narcissism is a mental health problem.

Signs of A Narcissist 

How do you spot a narcissist?

  1. They find it difficult to build as well as maintain connections with others.
  2. Narcissists are very manipulative.
  3. Lack of empathy and sympathy for others.
  4. Sense of entitlement.
  5. Lack of compassion. 
  6. Constant need for admiration and attention. 
  7. An unhealthy sense of self importance and grandiosity.
  8. Always bedding to be acknowledged by others. 
  9. Constant feeling of being unique and different from the rest of the world. 
  10. Unhealthy fantasies about being famous and influential. 
  11. Constant inclination that the world owes them something.
  12. Disinterest in other people’s thoughts and opinions.
  13. Always needing to be the best at everything and being mad when they aren’t.

These are a few ways to spot a narcissist or know if you’re one. The more the boxes check out, the more chances of them/you being narcissistic.

Who Is The Introvert Narcissist?

Introverted narcissists are also known as covert narcissists. This means they are different from the more obvious overt narcissists. Unlike the latter who are a lot easier to identify because of the loud and more outspoken nature, covert narcissists are a lot harder to spot. 

The overt narcissists exhibit more extroverted behaviors and are very aware about the situation of things. This is not the same with a covert narcissist. Covert narcissists know what they are doing to an extent. They know they impact negatively the people around them. But in most cases, they are oblivious and lack self awareness. 


This can be because they think they deserve all the attention in the world as well as praise. Therefore they don’t see anything wrong in the way they achieve it. As long as they get the intended results, they can live with that.

Being covert doesn’t make it any easier on the people around them. It can even be worse to an extent as the introverted narcissist might find it harder to see what’s wrong. People around them might miss it too if they aren’t observant till they can’t anymore.

Signs of A Covert Narcissist

• They play the blame and shame game. This is to attain a level of elevated position.

• Covert narcissists are passive aggressive. They may not approach you head on but they exhibit traits like signs, eye rolls and impolite yawning.

• The introvert narcissist would be able to hold grudges for a long period of time. Even things others might have moved on from,

• They have a strong case of envy which can leave them in physical pain.

• Very sensitive to criticism as they feel they are perfect. They can over react to any form of criticism no matter how constructive. 

• Unlike the overt narcissist who tells you how good they are, the covert narcissist would expect you to see it. They can harbor envy till that happens.

• Projecting their insecurities on others is not uncommon to them. It helps them feel better when others feel sad or insecure. 

• They practice a lot of emotional neglect and enjoy creating confusion. 

How To Deal With The Introvert Narcissist 

If you’re in a relationship or close to a covert narcissist, it might be difficult navigating life around them. Here are 3 ways to help you.

Understand You Aren’t The Problem With An Introvert Narcissist

When dealing with a narcissistic person, it is important to not take it personal. Their lack of empathy and their manipulative behavior is a testament to who they are not who you are. Remember that they have a sense of grandiosity, they are manipulative and there’s usually no exception. 

Their behaviors can be painful and can leave you wondering what could be wrong with you. But remember you aren’t the problem. They are unhealthy within. If you take it personally, then they win as that’s exactly what they want you to do. 

Set Your Boundaries

Always remember to set your boundaries with a narcissist. This healthy boundaries can help you and somehow help them. The more your set these boundaries, the more they understand they can’t win against you. It shows you’re aware of their tactics and they are not working.

With a narcissistic person, it can be very difficult to set boundaries. Sometimes they might ignore it but never waver. Remember your values and those should be the most important thing to you. Protect them. Do not only set the boundaries but know why you are setting them. This way you can maintain them.

Stay In Tune With Yourself 

Talking to a narcissist can put just about anyone on the spot. Avoid letting sight of the fact you’re dealing with one and falling into their tactics. Always stay in tune with yourself and you’d be happy you did in the end.

Take deep breaths where you need to, call them out where you need to etc. always advocate for yourself and this way you’d be a very hard target.

Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi is a photographer, writer, designer and an INTJ female. She enjoys telling stories and delivering messages through words, photographs and designs.

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