How Introverts Make Friends-A Complete Guide


Here is a complete guide on how introverts make friends. Being an introvert leaves you on a quest to finding people who understand you. Introversion makes it harder to find friends, especially those who get you. So, the need to find your people can overwhelm you every now and then.

Introverts love spending time in solitude. Even when they want more friends, they don’t want to be pressured in a friendship. As an introvert, a friend who doesn’t mind your alone moments is the best gift ever. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Firstly, actually starting a conversation is a challenge.

A general misconception about introverts is that they hate people and this is not true. They just have very limited social energy. A lot of socializing can practically leave them overstimulated because of how they are wired.

An introvert doesn’t mind having a small group of friends they communicate with every now and then. But they also do not like constant communication or crowded socializing avenues. Finding a friend who understands this is very crucial.

How introverts make friends might seem very difficult but this article will help you know what to do.

Tips On How Introverts Make Friends

Here are helpful tips to get you the right friends as an introvert.

1. Consider People You Already Know

Yes, introverts know people but they aren’t usually actual friends with them. As an introvert looking for a friend to add to your circle, instead of a fresh face, you can consider someone you already know.

This is because they already have an idea of you as a person and might’ve been trying to be your friend for a while. Giving them a chance is one way you can really truly know. You have a lot of acquaintances, so comb through them.

2. It’s Okay to Make the First Move

When you sit around waiting for someone to approach you, you take whatever the universe throws at you. However, when you make the first move, you have a greater chance of getting what you want. And if you get rejected, you know you tried.

Making new friends is never easy for anyone. It can bring about uncertainty, self doubt, and more. Then, there’s the constant fear of rejection. If you’re an introvert who struggles with anxiety, you can start online. Why sit about and wait?

3. Let Them Know More About You

One way you’re certain your new friend really wants the friendship is telling them about yourself. What you like and what you don’t. Let them know about your interests so you can find a common ground. And If there’s none, there’s a possibility for that in the future.

The very last thing you want to do is pretend you are who you’re not. Do not try to be more extroverted as this would run your social battery down faster. How introverts make friends is by being 100% themselves.

4. Ask Them More About Themselves

Just as you give them a glimpse of your inner world, it is important to know about theirs too. You want to know what you’re getting into as well. Ask for their favorite activities, their views on a lot of things and what they dislike as well.

So many people are in friendships where they really don’t know much about their friends and that’s no good. A good conversation should go back and forth. As you lay yourself bare, they should too.

5. Do Not Fear Being Vulnerable

Being vulnerable to the wrong person is one of an introvert’s worst nightmare. But in order to make friends, you must attempt to discard this fear, especially when you see a future in the friendship.

When they do something nice for you, never hold back from appreciating them. A friend is someone you can lean on no matter what. Someone who makes you feel safe in the world. Someone you aren’t related to by blood but by choice. That should mean something to both parties.

6. Study Your Self

Here’s the thing, introverts can be quite intuitive so that means they can smell a rat from a mile away. They tend to have strong instincts and most times these instincts are right. Don’t ignore them in your quest to make a friend.

Ask yourself how you really feel about them and if you’re feeling lonely in the friendship so far. If the answer is yes, then it’s okay to let go. If they aren’t giving their all, there’s no reason to set yourself up for heartbreak.

7. Find Common Interests

Although opposites attract and gives you a chance to learn something new, for anything to work, there should be some common grounds. Find out each other’s interests and see if it’s something you can get behind. Never pretend to like something you don’t.

However, if it’s something they are very passionate about, it is your duty as a friend to support and respect them. Having a friend who is the very opposite of you might be a challenge but finding a common ground is what makes the relationship last.

8. Don’t Rush Things

Introverts generally take things slow and this shouldn’t be an exception. Remember good things take time so avoid rushing into a friendship. It could be a lifelong relationship so threat it seriously.

Having the right friends and people by your side can go a long way in affecting the quality of your life. These are bonds you don’t want to take for granted. Introverts are very protective of their space; therefore, they would not want just about anyone in it.


It is important to know introverts aren’t anti social. We crave human connections too, just on a specific level. They want love, companionship and friendship just like everyone else. They also take a lot more time as they believe more in quality than quantity.

Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi is a photographer, writer, designer and an INTJ female. She enjoys telling stories and delivering messages through words, photographs and designs.

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