Enneagram Social 7: What to Expect


The Enneagram social 7s are a counter-type to the other subtypes of Enneagram 7. Unlike the different subtypes of Enneagram 7s, who are gluttonous, they consciously avoid exploiting others. 

Gluttony is defined as over-indulging more than necessary, even if someone exploits others to get more. Therefore the social 7 aims to become good and not act on their feelings of indulgences, thereby refusing to be excessive with their lifestyle or overly opportunistic.

A social 7 counters their gluttonous tendency by pursuing an ideal of the world or themselves. That way, they avoid focusing on their self-interests. So as many experts have noted, they defer their desires in pursuit of an ideal, working to make the world a better place without conflict. 

Read INTJ 1w2: Here’s What To Expect.

Who Belongs to this Group?

If you are an Enneagram social 7, you have a deep desire to be free and happy, granted most people want that. However, your biggest fear is to be trapped in pain and miss out on life. You may also have an idea that you long to live up to. Most social 7s do as they are the most idealistic of the 7s subtype.

Your core trait may be altruistic and focused on helping others, which is commendable. But sometimes you may even deny your need for this, which could be damaging. In addition, since you still have the gluttonous tendency that all the enneagram 7s have, you will be able to see new opportunities that further your cause. 

Moreover, you will make many friends who believe in your ideals. With friends by your side, you become excited when they come together to pursue mutually shared objectives, usually for a more peaceful, compassionate world where people can be free and healthy without fear.

What Are Their Strengths?

1. Charisma

They are very charismatic. After all, their entire goal is to be helpful to others, and with their endless charisma, they can become appealing to people. While they don’t have domineering nature, their warmth shines through, making people notice their presence. 

They can laugh and interact with other seamlessly, and they may even look like the clown of the group. These facets make them popular among their peers, allowing them to call on their massive support when needed.

2. Impulsiveness

Yes, they can be quite spontaneous in their actions. As said before, they can easily see new opportunities, and when fighting for a cause they believe is for the good of everyone, they can make quick decisions and unplanned ventures. 

This can make them act when required without much thought. However, their impulsive attitude doesn’t mean they always follow through with every random thought. 

3. Positive Attitude

They look on the bright side even when the chips are down. 

They could be in debt, family crisis, or may have lost a job, and still maintain their optimism believing that things will improve. This can be very comforting to those around them, and their positive attitude can calm a person in times of pressure or difficulty. 

4. Contagious Enthusiasm

When in leadership, an enneagram social 7 is skilled at rallying its members together. Their enthusiasm is infectious, which makes them able to get others excited by the ideas they bring, thereby supporting them. They can also transfer their fear and panic to those closest to them when they feel such emotions. 

What Are Their Weaknesses?

1. Indiscipline

This is the most severe flaw that Enneagram social 7 shows. While they come up with never-ending brilliant ideas, their indiscipline may cause none of those plans to ever come to fruition. 

This will make them appear childish in the eyes of more serious-looking others. They can also be immature about things that don’t meet their expectations. They also are uninterested in things that they consider mundane and unnecessary. 

For instance, they could appear lazy when carrying out ideas that aren’t aligned with their ideals or just flat-out refuse to do them. This makes them look childlike, especially when they make unrealistic goals.

2. They Are Disorganized

Enneagram social 7 are often disorganized and scattered for all type 7s. Even when they have vast endeavors such as managing an organization or simply arranging their room, they exhibit this weakness. In relationships, they find it difficult to properly channel their desire not to hurt their partner versus their fear of commitment. 

Read: How Does the Unhealthy ISFP Behave?

How An Enneagram Social 7 Can Improve

You may wonder how to stay healthy if you identify as a social 7. Here’s what you should do. 

The first thing is to make the motives behind your words more conscious. Try to be more aware of your desire to have recognition for the help you give others without condemning yourself as selfish. 

Continue to observe your desires of gluttony and your refusal of it. More importantly, support yourself by accepting your feeling and needs as necessary. 

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