The Introverts Ultimate Guide To Succeeding In Business


Many people think that extroverts have a higher chance of succeeding in business than introverts. This is because the business world has long been an exciting playground for extroverts to interact and outdo each other. This may prove difficult for an introvert except if they put in the effort to work and adapt. 

This hasn’t been helped by the fact that for years business recruiters preferred extroverted applicants. Because they feel that business is all about dealing with people, building relationships, forming leadership, and pushing for sales.

However, if we take a step back and look at the world we would find that some of the most successful businesses are run by introverts. Examples like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg remind us of what introverts are truly capable of. 

The power of introverted business leaders lies in their thinking ability and problem-solving skills. This article will highlight how introverts can become successful businesses in an extroverted world.

Why Do Introverts Have An Edge When It Comes to Succeeding in Business?

Recent studies have shown that introverts have a higher level of electrical activity in the brain when compared to extroverts. This is because they have a much more active Broca’s area which is directly responsible for a person’s inner monologue. 

Therefore, introverts may process more information per second when compared to extroverts. Another factor that gives introverts the edge over extroverts is that their energy comes from within.

How do these affect them? The two factors mentioned above make introverts have these traits:

  • Introverts are prone to overthinking
  • They tend to be anxious
  • They are easily overwhelmed by external stimulation
  • They don’t respond to spontaneous statements so quickly

These factors could make any introvert succeed in business. However, an introvert may be uncomfortable, because a lack of awareness of one’s limitations as well as personal needs may likely cause an introvert to be stressed out much sooner than their extroverted colleagues. 

This can cause a decrease in performance and lead to a loss of motivation. So if you are an introvert, you may wonder how you can balance the workload of a business without burning yourself out. Here are some ways to do that:

Know your limitations

Succeeding in business requires you to be self-aware. You need to know what you can and can’t do. This means knowing your strengths, gifts, and limitations. For example, ask yourself if you would be able to tolerate back-to-back calls per day. Are you able to speak in front of groups small or large? You have to know what you’d be able to tolerate beforehand, and if you don’t, make an effort to find out.

Furthermore, you need to be able to prepare for meetings as they are inevitable. If speaking to an audience is a problem for you, then your best bet is to find a “style” to avoid getting burned out by such situations. So a few things you can do to cope with your daily rhythm is;

  • Changing the calls and meetings into written forms or text discussions
  • Limiting the number of back-to-back meetings that you attend on a day and always have breaks between them.
  • Less urgent meetings can be delegated to team members.

Provide alone time between meetings and during work hours

Introverts succeeding in business understand themselves. Some introverts can go to back-to-back meetings without a break and turn out just fine. But you might be among those introverts who cannot attend back-to-back meetings without not feeling exhausted. 

What most do in this situation is block their calendar and have about one or two hours dedicated to themselves. If you do this, it will give you some alone time to think and recharge and prevent others from scheduling back-to-back meetings on your behalf.

Then when you’re alone, you could recharge by finishing meaningful written work. You could think of different ideas and consider takeaways from the recently concluded meetings. If possible, you could use the time to prepare for the next meeting. Although this should be flexible enough in case of emergencies.

This can also be applied if your work involves you going to an office. If the office layout is draining, it is best to take out 10 to 15 minutes break now and then and go away to a quiet place where you can sit comfortably. It could be a cafe near the office or an open space. This gives you space to think deeply and plan your next moves. 

This is super important for introverts. You could suffer from social exhaustion if you don’t make alone time for yourself.  

Work with a business partner who loves personal interaction

You may desire to build your business alone, but it is good to get help when you need it. Introverts who are succeeding in business often have extroverted partners or executives who handle other parts for them. So if you aren’t good at audience interaction, you could delegate it to someone who has the skill. This will free you up and allow you to boost your productivity as you focus on other areas of your company that require your expertise.

This can be done by bringing in a new director who is enthusiastic about meeting new people and is an expert at public speaking. Apart from helping you to handle internal affairs, someone with the experience and confidence when pitching can help your company to gain external investment, thereby helping the company to grow. 

 An extroverted and competent business partner will also be very accessible to your staff when you can’t be. 

Hire only the amount of staff you need

Creating a great team can be difficult if social interactions are difficult for you. There are obvious cost-saving benefits, but building your team can be very helpful as you are better able to understand what each one does for the team.

Of course, the downside is that you will be sacrificing the potential for rapid growth, but the ability to effectively run your business with a steady team is the most important.

Having a team means you can easily build rapport and establish meaningful relationships with your staff. You will also be accustomed to your team and in the future be a great buffer for new hires. You can also minimize the chances of you having to fire someone for financial reasons when you build your team slowly.

Employ introverts

The benefit of hiring introverts is that it prevents you from feeling uncomfortable in the office. Having more introverts around means that they are aware of the inefficiencies of the team. So they plan for shorter meetings and allow the other staff members to be more individually productive. However, you must understand that working as a team brings far more powerful results than what a single individual can do.

Use the digital world to your advantage

Being an introvert doesn’t mean that you aren’t good at communicating. Most introverts, if given a comfortable outlet, can lead a team and direct projects quite effectively. 

Software such as slack can be very helpful in this regard. It enables interactions without face-to-face meetings. With this software, you can bring remote team members into your project and you can archive any conversations for future use or for those who are unable to attend a particular meeting.

You can also use emails for communication to help you avoid uncomfortable situations when handling a staff. This is because having a written document of everything will make discipline much more effective and instructions will go more smoothly.

Use the power of listening

If you are a good listener but a poor speaker, it’s not entirely a bad thing. There is power in active listening. Good listening is key to understanding your business and knowing what it needs. So when you take time to listen to your staff and your customers, you will be able to build a more genuine relationship with them. 

Furthermore, you’re better able to analyze the pros and cons of any argument as a good listener. It gives you a confident stand when it’s time to speak about any issues affecting your business.

Take calculated risks

Running a business means that you will come across some uncomfortable situations. The best way to prepare for this is to get used to being in uncomfortable areas. You may need to get out of your comfort zone and take risks. Placing yourself in this situation will give you some amount of control, thereby building up your experience and confidence in dealing with such issues over time.

Final Thought

Introverts are known for proving their worth through their actions rather than their words. You Amy relate to any of the tips provided by the above discussions and find some of the social situations uncomfortable. Know that you aren’t alone. They are millions of introverts who are succeeding in business and you will, too.

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