personality type

The INTP Female- Here’s What You Can Expect

People make the mistake of thinking INTPs are all males. I know I’ve had that thought once or twice. On the contrary, the INTP female exists and is one of the most intriguing subtypes...

Understanding What a Multifaceted Personality Implies

What is a multifaceted personality and is that even a good thing? When people tell you you have a multifaceted personality, should you take it as a compliment? What are the advantages and disadvantages...

INTP 9w8- Here’s What You Can Expect

When people compare the INTP to the enneagram of personality, type 4 and type 5 usually come to mind. However, there is a much smaller subtype that’s often forgotten. That is the INTP 9w8. So,...

A Guide to Understanding 5 Symbols of Sadness

Symbols of sadness may sound new to a lot of us. In reality, they are everywhere we look. From the music we play, to nature and art. It’s undeniably in everything we see and...

Signs You Have a Calm Personality

A person with a calm personality is always pleasing to have around. You can be yourself, let your guards down and not fear judgment. That’s literally their superpower. Having a calm personality means people can...

INTP Men- Exploring Rationality At its Peak

When I think of INTP men, something comes to mind. Pure unadulterated logic. It’s easy to see why. INTPs are one of the few personality types to lead with introverted thinking (Ti). Thus, their...

Introvert vs Extrovert (Two Opposites of a Spectrum)

The introvert vs extrovert debate will last a lifetime. It’s either you’re an introvert or you’re an extrovert, right? Wrong. There’s this fine line where being an ambivert comes in. In reality, some people aren’t...

Antisocial Traits – An Overview (Everything You Need To Know)

What antisocial traits do you possess? What can you make from this and what does the future hold? Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) is a mental health condition. People with this condition show a dislike in...

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