ISTJ with ADHD: What to Expect


What is life like for an ISTJ with ADHD? 

First of all, ISTJs are also known as logisticians. The ISTJ personality is the embodiment of order and organization. They enjoy structure in every area of their lives, from managing their homes to handling their responsibilities at work. 

The typical ISTJ personality is quiet and reserved, and only prefers to work with a select group of people. If you want someone that is brutally honest, look to the ISTJ. 

They are extremely blunt and never fail to point out something that doesn’t align with tradition and conventional standards. They value loyalty and are also nice and responsible. 

Read: INTJ with ADHD- What to Know

ISTJs are passionate about maintaining the natural order of things and ensuring that things go the way they’re supposed to. This is why the ISTJ with ADHD is often extremely frustrated. They crave order and organization in their lives, but ADHD/ADD robs them of it. 

If you’re close to an ISTJ with ADHD, you will realize that they are often irritated or upset when other people are not organized, but can’t maintain any order in their lives. 

ISTJ with ADHD: What signs should you look out for?

Here are some possible signs you can look out for

  • Easily irritable with disorderliness, but are not quite organized
  • They are often distracted with little things
  • They find it hard to keep a routine
  • Have several issues following simple instructions
  • They’re not as organized as they wish to be
  • They can’t focus on one task 

ISTJ with ADHD: How can they cope?

Find order in the disorder

As mentioned arlier, ISTJs with ADHD crave order and structure in their lives. But they can’t seem to put themselves together. This can be extremely frustrating for them. However, the easiest way to cope with this is to find order in the disorder.

Regardless of the lack of structure, you need to find a way to sort yourself through the disorder no matter how imperfect it is. You can’t wait for things to be perfect or orderly before you act on your goals. 

Read: INFP with ADHD- What to Expect

Have an accountability partner

An accountability partner is a game changer, especially for someone with ADHD. Accountability partners help you to keep track of your goals and boosting your productivity levels. If your goals are overwhelming, they can help you to break it down into bite-sizes and achieve them one at a time. 

When choosing an accountability partner, it shouldn’t be your best friend or someone that can tolerate your excesses. It should be someone you fear or genuinely respect. 

Don’t be too hard on yourself

ISTJs with ADHD are often irritated and frustrated with their lives because they need order and structure to function optimally. However, you need to be kind to yourself. Understand the peculiarities of your condition. See yourself as precious, and treat yourself with kindness. 

Have a creative outlet

Most people with ADHD often have creative outlets that help them channel their excess energy productively. The best way to do this is to find a hobby you genuinely enjoy, or at least sparks your interest. It could be playing a music instrument or painting. 

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