How To Care For An Introvert


Many people don’t know how to care for introverts. Introverts are a special breed of people and are often misunderstood, even by other introverts. 

To most, introverted people might appear very timid and withdrawn. This makes them appear antisocial. But this just means that they prefer their own personal company. Introverted people think a lot. They are also able to exert their attention on one particular thing at a time and that is a very difficult quality for most extroverts.  

Introverts are also very great at listening. They don’t say so much during conversations. This particular attribute makes communication with them seem hard especially when you care for an introvert whether as a responsibility or voluntarily. 

These tips on how to care for an introvert will aid you to understand their personality and enable you to communicate effectively with them. 

Top 10 Tips on How to Care for An Introvert

How to care for an introvert: Interact with them privately

The first thing to consider when caring for an introvert is that they don’t do well in groups. Thus, spending quality individual time with an introvert will yield more fruits instead of in large groups. 

If you really want to converse with an introverted person, choose a serene, private setting instead of a crowded space with a large number of people. This will help the person to be at peace with the environment and open up properly. 

For instance, as a teacher who wants to provide optimal care for an introverted student, you have to create extra time to attend to the student’s problems which they wouldn’t have opened up with the rest of the class. 

Encourage the introverted person to talk

In order to care for an introvert, you must be able to communicate effectively with him or her. Give them the opportunity to be expressive. 

Most times they appear quiet because they process a lot of information. They are deep thinkers. But it’s good to allow introverts to open up and share their thoughts in those situations. 

Introverted people are not usually the first to start a conversation, and in a relationship, they might seem quiet. When checking up on an introverted person it’s not best to ask how they’re doing or how they’re feeling. 

Instead, ask open-ended questions. For instance, ask, “What’s your day been like?” or, “What’s been going on lately?”, instead of asking, “Are you okay?”

How to Care for an introvert: Don’t rush them in a conversation

Because introverts think a lot, they usually respond slowly to questions. Thus, when engaging an introvert in a conversation or interview, you should leave space after questions or comments to make them feel comfortable. 

They like to take their time to respond to conversations, probably process their answer, and control the conversation as much as possible. Make room in the conversation so they can reflect and respond without feeling persuaded. 

For example, your first responsibility as a teacher is to care for all personality types in your class. Certain introverts require special care because their personality traits often make them appear complicated. 

If you ask a question in a class, take your time and look around the class for a little while. This will allow the introverts time to process the question before they ask anyone to attempt the question. 

Don’t be scared of silence in the conversation.

When there is awkwardness in a conversation, most extroverts will make up idle chit-chat to fill in. On the other hand, introverts would rather be silent in similar situations instead of engaging in small talk that could irritate them. 

Instead of talking, an introvert will prefer some room for that moment of silence. However, if you must fill it, do well to engage them in a more meaningful conversation. Introverts, too, can also learn how to make small talk with other people to have more successful relationships.

Moreover, you could feel uneasy with the silence as an extrovert and feel bored. The ability to understand and give in to those awkward moments of silence gives one better control of the conversation and an edge when communicating with introverts. 

Learn to listen

As an extrovert, you might be totally carried away when talking if the introverted person isn’t saying much. Take note to identify when you are making your speaking partner uncomfortable. 

Listening to introverts when they talk shows that you care for them during the conversation. Truth is, if you really pay attention and show that you’re listening to every tiny detail, they might be more inclined to open up.

How do you make introverts feel like their voices are heard? By mirroring the conversation. Take note and respond to your partner’s expressions, gestures, posture, vocal pitch, or tone. It portrays interest.

This works wonders for introverted people in romantic relationships. It is seen most often between romantic partners, but it happens at work, too, in networking sessions, meetings, and conversations with colleagues. For example, say something like, “It sounds like you had a really crummy day. Tell me more about it.”

Communicate more with texts and emails

Instead of calling introverts or visiting them often, write to them as much as possible.  To care for introverted people, you must understand that they feel some form of anxiety when they have to make a phone call or meet up with someone. 

To put them in their comfort zone, send a text or an online chat instead. You might find that this opens up a better line of communication.

If you’re working with an introverted person, try to reduce the number of times you meet to discuss issues so you don’t stress him or her unnecessarily. For example, instead of popping in to ask them questions whenever you have them, consolidate your thoughts and send them in a single email.

Acknowledge their strengths and accomplishments.

Introverted persons may not like being the center of attention but they sure love being appreciated. So to care for an introvert, make a conscious effort to appreciate the person. Introverts enjoy feeling appreciated, especially by close friends. Make a point of praising them or thanking them for the good things they’ve done.

For instance, as a football team coach when an introverted player has a good game even if you don’t like praising players in front of their teammates, do well to pull the player aside and tell him he did well today.

Give the introverted person space to feel comfortable.

Learn to give introverts space, both physical and mental space to relax. If you have an introverted child, sometimes he or she just wants to enjoy his or her company. It could be a co-worker you share an office with; identify the time he or she doesn’t want to talk. Give them space for quiet reflection. This helps to de-stress an introverted person.

If you and your introverted partner have spent all day together, they may want some time on their own in the evening. This is totally okay and it can make them feel recharged.

Support the introverted person

When they’re stressed or anxious, let them know that you’re there for them. Introverted people keep a lot to themselves—thoughts, feelings, and fears. 

It’s normal for most people to forget about them when they withdraw from activities that expose them, especially when they have issues. They prefer to bottle up emotions and not disturb others with their problems. 

However, when one makes an extra effort to give them that shoulder to lay their head on, they appreciate it a lot. So reach out to them to let them know that you’re a friend who’s there for them. 

This can make them feel more comfortable and open around you. Not sure how to approach your introverted friend or partner? You could say, “You seem to be thinking a lot lately. If there’s anything on your mind that you want to talk about, I’m here for you.”

Allow them to be themselves

To care for an introvert, respect the person without trying to make them more extroverted. 

Allow them to be themselves. Introverted people have a lot of strengths—they can be great listeners, good observers, and the ability to maintain focus on a particular task. They are not easily distracted. So instead of trying to make someone more outgoing, recognize that their introversion can have lots of benefits.

Always have it in mind that nothing is wrong with being an introvert! If you’re having issues communicating with an introvert, focus on those skills.


Here are the best tips on how to care for an introvert. Firstly, create a comfort zone by providing an opportunity for a private conversation. This is important because they would most likely just listen when they’re in a crowd. Encourage them to talk as well. 

Don’t be scared of the silence and use that opportunity to engage them in small talk. Be patient with them. Learn from them and give them attention compared to the one they give you. 

Accommodate texts and chat via social media platforms. Celebrate their small wins. Study their body language and learn to give them space when they need it. Support them and acknowledge their contributions in teams where they may be ignored or less appreciated

In all these, remember they are not handicapped so just allow themselves and channel their energy rightly. 

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