Aleruchi Kinika

Aleruchi is a photographer, writer, designer and an INTJ female. She enjoys telling stories and delivering messages through words, photographs and designs.



How Can Introverts Recharge Faster?

Introverts get all their energy sapped by the littlest interactions. A couple of hours of socializing is more than enough to keep you indoors for a whole week. Introverts get socially exhausted easily. ...

How Can An Introvert help others?

The average person tends to think that introverts are antisocial people who care about no one but themselves. But how true is this? How can an introvert help others? How do they care for...

What Can Introverts learn from Extroverts and Vice Versa?

What can introverts learn from extroverts and vice versa? The world is full of complimenting each other and that begs the question, what can we learn from each other? As an introvert who seems...

Introvert and Leadership: What Makes Them Special

Do introverts make good leaders? It is a general misconception that introverts are shy and aren’t great leaders. However, it is important to know that although introverts can be reserved, they do not necessarily...

Introvert Activities You Can Always Rely On

The need for introverted activities to keep you company can never be overemphasized. As introverts, we love spending time alone. We need to be surrounded with maybe a small group of friends in our...

How Can I Be Happy Living Alone 

When it comes to living alone, you’ve left with nobody but yourself. You can always get a pet but that doesn’t always cut it. So you frequently ask yourself “how can I be happy living alone?”. Doesn’t matter if you’re...

Who Is An Extroverted Introvert?

Who is the extroverted introvert? They are known as Ambiverts and are thought to possess both the characteristics of both introverts and extroverts. This seems like the perfect balance, right? The Ambivert is said to...

Things To Talk About With Your Crush

We’ve all had a crush on somebody. Sometimes more than one person (I know). But the hardest part about having a crush is keeping a conversation. Keeping a conversation is a challenge for a lot of...

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