ISTJ 6w5- Here’s What You Can Expect

I personally think that ISTJs are the most responsible MBTI type. Reserved and ever ready to abide by and protect the rules, the ISTJ is an important piece of society. ISTJ 6w5 is a...

How to Handle Social Exhaustion as an Introvert

Social exhaustion can make you question your emotions. It makes introverts tired, dull or irritated at little things.  Different things fuel introverts and extroverts. Social interaction fuels extroverts. These people can’t stay for a long...

INFP-A: Here’s What You Can Expect

INFPs are one of the 16 personalities in the MBTI typology. They are clearly introverts who are passionate and creative. Who really wouldn’t love an INFP? INFPs are usually divided into two subtypes. These...

Introvert vs Extrovert (Two Opposites of a Spectrum)

The introvert vs extrovert debate will last a lifetime. It’s either you’re an introvert or you’re an extrovert, right? Wrong. There’s this fine line where being an ambivert comes in. In reality, some people aren’t...

Antisocial Traits – An Overview (Everything You Need To Know)

What antisocial traits do you possess? What can you make from this and what does the future hold? Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) is a mental health condition. People with this condition show a dislike in...

INFP-T: Here’s What You Can Expect

INFPs are incredible. Their sweet nature can make you feel warm and at home. INFPs are roughly divided into two. These are the INFP-T and the INFP-A. Here, we’ll focus more on the INFP-T and...

“I Hate Talking on The Phone” Every Introvert Ever

“I hate talking on the phone” every introvert ever. For many introverts, phone calls aren’t exactly a welcomed friend. Texts? That could work. Calls on the other hand seem pretty intrusive. Have you ever been...

Dating an Introvert? Here are 10 Things You Should Know

Dating an introvert can be cute. But it’s not a walk in the park.  Now, most people think it’s easier for introverts to date other introverts because they’d understand themselves better, but that’s not necessarily...