Catherine Umesi




How Does the Unhealthy INTP Behave?

The unhealthy INTP is no fun to be with. The typical INTP personality is logical, independent, and likes to maintain a small social circle. They are critical thinkers who love to think outside the...

ISFJ with ADHD: What to Expect

How does the ISFJ with ADHD live? The typical ISFJ is extremely organized and structured. They love conforming to the already established ideals of society and ensuring that others conform to them as well. They...

What is Introvertism?

If you’ve been wondering what introvertism is, you’re not alone. Introvertism is the same as introversion, which comes from the root word, ‘introvert’.  Contrary to popular opinion, Introvertism is not shyness. Introverts are also not...

ISFP with ADHD: What to Expect

What is life like for an ISFP with ADHD? ISFPs are typically warm, loving, and compassionate people who are often empathetic to the needs of others. The ISFP personality is typically non-judgemental and very tolerant...

ISTJ with ADHD: What to Expect

What is life like for an ISTJ with ADHD?  First of all, ISTJs are also known as logisticians. The ISTJ personality is the embodiment of order and organization. They enjoy structure in every area of...

INFP with ADHD: What To Expect

It’s not easy to spot an INFP with ADHD. This is because several personality types exhibit certain traits that are peculiar to them but are often misdiagnosed as ADHD or ADD.  Some personality types, like...

The INTJ Death Stare

You must have heard of or seen the INTJ death stare if you are an INTJ or if any of your close friends or family members are.  The INTJ personality, otherwise known as the “Strategist”...

INFP vs ISFP: What You Should Expect

You're not alone if you’ve been thinking of the INFP and ISFP distinctions. The INFP and ISFP have several similarities, so they’re often misunderstood. They are both very creative and independent individuals who love...

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