Aleruchi Kinika

Aleruchi is a photographer, writer, designer and an INTJ female. She enjoys telling stories and delivering messages through words, photographs and designs.



Heyoka Empath: 12 Telling Signs This Is You

Almost everyone has come across the term empath before. However, not everyone knows what a Heyoka Empath is. This is because there are different types of empaths. With some being a lot rarer than...

“I Hate Talking on The Phone” Every Introvert Ever

“I hate talking on the phone” every introvert ever. For many introverts, phone calls aren’t exactly a welcomed friend. Texts? That could work. Calls on the other hand seem pretty intrusive. Have you ever been...

Understanding Introvert vs Antisocial Classification

What is the key difference between being an Introvert vs Antisocial? Well for one, if you like spending time alone, you can easily be confused for one of the other. Just because you enjoy spending...

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