Aleruchi Kinika

Aleruchi is a photographer, writer, designer and an INTJ female. She enjoys telling stories and delivering messages through words, photographs and designs.



Things To Talk About With Your Crush

We’ve all had a crush on somebody. Sometimes more than one person (I know). But the hardest part about having a crush is keeping a conversation. Keeping a conversation is a challenge for a lot of...

The Best Tips On Having An Intellectual Conversation 

If you’ve ever wanted to have intellectual conversations, you’re in luck. With these tips, you can easily start or join intellectual conversation without fear of saying the wrong things or doing the wrong things....

5 Terrible Behaviors That Push People Away From You

You might be the most common behaviors that push people away from you?. You might not know this but you are steadily making it difficult for people to deal with you. As much as we...

Are You Introverted or Extroverted?

This article will help you determine if you are introverted or extroverted. An introvert can be defined as someone who basically gets their energy and recharges by being alone. They crave their company more than...

Moving On From A Heartbreak As An Introvert

If you’ve been through heartbreak as an introvert, then this article is for you. Introverts understand love differently. It is assumed that most introverts are demisexual or asexual. I mean, if you’re going to let...

Repelling Loneliness as An Introvert

Being an introvert means spending almost all of your time alone. But what happens when that turns into loneliness? Introverts sometimes feel lonely. They are humans too. However not everyone is open to expressing how...

8 Dating Tips for Introverts

Are you an introvert finding it hard to get into the dating world? Are you tired of being single and would love to give love a chance? Then this article is for you. For introverts,...

The Highly Sensitive Person & Anger

Highly sensitive people & anger is a sensitive topic that needs to be spoken about. A highly sensitive person views the world differently than we do. They feel emotions more and they have certain...

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