ISFJ 9w8- Here’s What You Can Expect


If you have an ISFJ as a friend, it’s hard to hate them. They can be sweet and very caring. However, did you know they come in different shades? One of those shades is the ISFJ 9w8.

Want to know more about them? Here’s everything we know in a bit.

How the ISFJ 9w8 Differs From Typical ISFJs

ISFJ 9w8 is a combination of ISFJ in the MBTI and 9w8 in the enneagram of personality. The introduction of the enneagram is bound to bring some changes.

ISFJs are normally regarded as nice people. They go with the flow and find joy in caring for others. The downside is they are usually people-pleasers who like to help others.

ISFJs can also be described as selfless since they put others first. They are also quite traditional and like to follow the rules and ethics. ISFJ 9w8s has some similar traits. However, their differences are apparent.

First, while ISFJ 9w8s might want to please people, they have a backbone. Thus, they know where to draw the line. This personality type doesn’t care about others when their boundaries have been violated. They also want to protect their loved ones.

ISFJ 9w8s have a robust value system. However, they are also easygoing. Do not mistake their kindness for being pushovers. They will react when pushed to the wall or their values are challenged.

Because of their wing, they are also open to breaking the rules. However, they might not initiate the breaking of rules to avoid problems.

Here’s a table highlighting the differences between ISFJ 9w8 and typical ISFJs.

More likely to be people-pleasersLess likely to be people-pleasers
More likely to stick to the rulesMore likely to bend the rules
Less likely to be resentfulMore likely to be resentful
More traditionalLess traditional

Strengths of the ISFJ 9w8

1.   Calm and Easy-Going

ISFJ 9w8s are calm and friendly. When everything is okay, they love to go with the flow. Their core desire is to be at peace or inner harmony.

Going along with whatever is happening externally pushes them towards this goal. Their easygoing nature also makes them likable.

2.   The Right Blend of Nice and Healthy Boundaries

While they are nice, they don’t go overboard. Depending on how strong their wing is, ISFJ 9w8s will set healthy boundaries.

Thus, people will not feel like they are people-pleasers or overcompensating. In some cases, they might feel intimidating to others.

The stronger their wing, the more likely they are to have this trait.

3.   Great at Negotiations

Type 9 is a good negotiator simply because they hate conflict. ISFJ 9w8s are the same. Thus, they are experts at diffusing problems.

This also means that career paths such as arbitration or mediation will be perfect for them. They’ll also make great diplomats.

4.   Protective

The presence of type 8 is bound to affect this personality type. One such effect is how protective they become.

Depending on the strength of their wing, ISFJ 9w8s might be protective or even territorial about their loved ones.

They become someone else if their loved one is harmed.

5.   Work-Life Balance

ISFJs are hard workers. The same goes for type 8s. However, type 9 is known for their complacency. This creates a balance.

While ISFJ 9w8s will work be reliable workers, they’ll also know how to relax. This will give them time for their families.

It’s a perfect balance.

Weaknesses of the ISFJ 9w8

1.   Indecisive

Type 9 finds it difficult to make up their mind. Here’s why. They are also looking to go with the flow. So, telling them to make a decision is a risk. They might make one that no one agrees with. This puts them in a dilemma and causes conflict.

Thus, it might take forever for them to make up their minds.

2.   Anger Issues

Type 9 and type 8 are both in the anger triad. Type 9 tries to suppress this anger while type 8 confronts it. Because their core enneagram is type 9, they will seek to repress their anger.

However, they explode when pushed to the wall or when it accumulates. The problem is that they might have held on to it for so long and only exploded over something little.

This might make them unreasonable or unstable.

3.   Struggle with Resentment

Because they tend to repress and accumulate anger, ISFJ 9w8s can be resentful. On the surface, they might act all nice. But deep down, they have a lot of unresolved issues.

This can go on for years without the other person knowing they’ve hurt them.

4.   Difficulty Expressing Themselves

ISFJ 9w8s are intense people. They have a lot of emotions and can be very sensitive. However, they might struggle with expressing themselves.

This can be frustrating to their partners and friends. It can also strain their relationship and make them look bad.

Growth Tips for ISFJ 9w8s

  • Sometimes, it’s good to express your anger when you feel it. Hiding it does nothing but harm you.
  • Some of the biggest decisions in your life have to be made by you. So, make them.
  • Let go of resentment. Try to talk things over with people who hurt you.

Anime/Fictional Characters That Might Be ISFJ 9w8

  • Andre Harris (Victorious)
  • Yuzuha Shiba (Tokyo Revengers)
  • Aaron Samuels (Mean Girls)
  • Jerry Baynard (Anne with an E)
  • Li Huan (Here you are)
  • Brooke Thompson (American Horror Story)

Famous/Celebrities That Might Be ISFJ 9w8

  • Elizabeth Olsen
  • Adam (The Bible)
  • Bruce Willis
  • Nako Yabuki
Edward is a freelancer and blogger who is fascinated by psychology and the MBTI. When he's not writing, he's reading and discussing his many scattered ideas.

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