Introvert Hangover-40 Relatable Memes


An introvert hangover is feeling exhausted and drained out after a long period of socializing. It is a form of both mental and physical exhaustion.

All introverts have had a point in their lives like these. That’s the reason I gathered these hangover memes for you.

1. Social Hangover

Might need a weekend to recover. Might need longer. Dear diary, fingers crossed.

2. Charging Station

Can I stay on my bed, reading and sipping on this coffee? I need it to get my battery up. You never know when next I have to talk to the neighbors.

3. An Introvert’s Paradise

Nothing beats listening to music and doing your favorite things. Alone.

4. An Introvert’s Conundrum

Because seeing and talking would lead to an introvert hangover. Now I have to recharge because I HAVE to.

5. Introvert Hangover Saviors

Some avoid the madness of interacting, others helps heal you afterwards.

6. Hibernating

I have interacted way too much. Can I go AWOL got a while?

7. No Introvert Hangover Here

Alone, I’m 100% at my greatest potential. What’s there not to love.

8. Regrets

I should’ve just stayed home. What events led up to this moment. Tell me so I never end up herehereagain.

9. Avoiding

When her a hangover when you can completely avoid it?

10. Recharge They Say

Yeah I talked to so many people last night I had to make up for lost time.

11. Nope

Not today, dear friend.

12. Overcoming

I am too exhausted anyway. Why stress myself some more? Might have a glass of juice when this is over.

13. Dating too is a challenge

Probably got too lost in my introvert world. In another life, perhaps?

14. The Guilty Feeling

I don’t hate you. I just need more of me and I feel bad because I doubt you can see that.

15. A Zombie Apocalypse

I’m just trying to make it to the next day. Bring in the oversized shirts… I mean armor.

16. Again, Not Today.

Oh would you look at that, I lost track of time. (I never did. Been thinking and dreading this social plans for days it began consuming my life.)

17. There’s Just Not Enough Time

So why bother?

18. Saved By The gods

I’m only human after all.

19. I Guess I Just Love You

When I love you, I would risk a hangover. That’s a love language.

20. Thrilling Feeling

Might be difficult to understand if you’re not an introvert.

21. What are your talents? Overthinking

Did I just overthink myself into a hangover? Where do my powers end?

22. Hope? Is this worth a hangover

What can I say? He’s my crush and I’m delusional.

23. Late Night Struggles

This is also how I recharge from an introvert hangover

24. No Introvert Hangover today

I just realized my self worth. See you never!

25. This is a thing

I’m just really making sure you’re keeping up with these things.

26. Social Hangover

You guys got me drunk with your presence last night, didn’t you?

27. Please try understanding me

I promise I’m more than someone who doesn’t talk every time you glance at me.

28. It’s Not Rocket Science

Together, you guys give me a hangover.

29. Other options excluding parties? Count me in

What can I say? I’m a romantic.

30. The calm before the storm

Need I say more?

31. It’s pretty simple

32. I know nothing

33. Small talk 101

Try not to overwhelm me. Thank you.

34. Do Not Do It!

35. Introvert Problems

36. Insomnia Squad! Noice.

37. Social Introvert

38. Introvert Delay

I don’t kno

39. These are the issues

It’s no wonder I’m always exhausted.

40. Introvert Hangover

Just making sure you’re keeping up.


What meme did you relate to the most?

Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi Kinika
Aleruchi is a photographer, writer, designer and an INTJ female. She enjoys telling stories and delivering messages through words, photographs and designs.

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