INFP 4w5- Here’s What You Can Expect


Are you close friends with an INFP? If you are, you have to admit that they are wonderful people.

These people can light up your day and make you feel appreciated. They are also quite the emotional type. A majority of INFPs are type 4s on the enneagram of personality. Usually, a wing 5 accompanies this.

So, what can you expect from an INFP 4w5?

What are INFP 4w5s Like?

INFP 4w5s are introverts. They look just like the normal INFPs and have similar characteristics. However, this personality type has some traits that are peculiar to type 5.

They are reserved and might seem a bit aloof to other people. However, INFP 4w5s are emotional and sensitive.

The traits of the enneagram 4w5 perfectly complement the INFP. INFP 4w5s will put emotions above logic in most decisions they make.

However, their decisions will also be influenced by their thinking. This can be said to be a sort of balancing act for this personality type. They also have their dark side.

How rare is the INFP 4w5?

According to Career Planner, INFPs make up about 4-5% of the world’s population.  A significant number of INFP identify with type 4.

This puts the number of INFP 4w5s around 2-3% of the total INFP population. However, there are no official studies to support this number.

What is the Basic Desire of the INFP 4w5?

The basic desire of the INFP 4w5 is to be unique. This desire drives their most important decisions. Thus, INFP 4w5s might choose career paths that make them feel unique.

For this personality type, finance and other people’s opinions play less of a factor when making a decision.

What is the Basic Fear of the INFP 4w5?

The basic fear of the INFP 4w5 is to be seen as ordinary. Thus, they try to dodge this feeling by expressing their creative side.

They also spend a lot of time gathering information that might help them or just seems interesting.

Differences between the Core INFPs and the INFP 4w5

1.      Less Emotional

The INFP stereotype asserts that the INFP is probably one of the most emotional personality types. To some people, INFPs are cry babies who can’t just seem to keep the tears.

While it can’t be argued that the INFP is quite sensitive, the INFP 4w5 is a bit different.

The presence of their wing allows them to see the logical side of things. This personality type might even look a lot like the INTP, depending on the strength of their wings.

Thus, while INFP 4w5 will put emotions first, they usually have a strong logical side.

2.      The Tendency to Isolate

While INFPs are clearly introverts, they actually care and associate with those they love. However, INFP 4w5s might be a little different.

Because of their wing, they might spend a lot of time a lot working on their own projects or just enjoying alone time.

While it might be amazing to isolate, it has its downsides. This personality type might find it difficult to express themselves to others in difficult times.

They are also the most likely to suffer from bouts of depression.

3.      Self-Absorbed

INFPs are said to be good advisers to friends and pretty much everyone who approaches them for advice. However, INFP 4w5s can also be quite self-absorbed.

This trait can make them not notice that others are going through similar problems. They might also think that their problems are more difficult than anyone else.

4.      More Creative

INFPs have a vivid imagination. They are interested in endless possibilities and see the world through mirrors of ideas.

It is not a surprise then that they are extremely creative people. They make interesting musicians and writers.

INFP 4w5s are even more creative. They see the world and all the aesthetics it has to offer. When they try to create something, it has the potential to be amazing.

5.      The Need to be Self-Sufficient

Because INFP 4w5s have a wing 5, they want to be self-sufficient. They want to rely on themselves and be independent of others.

Thus, INFP 4w5s are less likely to be people pleasers. Instead, they want to forge their path in life.

INFP 4w5 vs INFP 5w4

It can be quite difficult to choose between INFP 4w5 and INFP 5w4. Here are some of their common differences.

·         Logic vs Emotions

INFP 5w4 will be a lot more logical than INFP 4w5. They place a lot of emphasis on logic and this will show in the decisions they make.

Thus, these two personality types will approach a situation differently and make varying choices.

·         Arts vs Academics

Both personality types care a lot about arts and academics. It’s just in the order it comes. INFP 5w4s are more likely to care about academics and abstract theories.

They love to research and find answers to their projects. While they might have a creative side, it might just be a hobby.

For the INFP 4w5, their creative side usually takes a stronger place in their lives.

·         Core Motivations

The fastest way to find the differences between these personality types is to look at their core motivations.

While the INFP 5w4 is more concerned about being self-sufficient, INFP 4w5 is more concerned about being unique.

Their biggest decisions are driven by these concerns.

Related Article- INTP 5w4: What to Expect

INFP 4w5 and Career Options

INFPs often choose their career paths based on what is most fulfilling to them. They want a career path that gives them the flexibility to enjoy all parts of their lives.

INFP 4w5 also wants the same thing. They want to feel passionate about their lives and their career is a big part of it.

To get the best out of this personality type, they should be used in creative roles that aim to achieve something truly unique and long-lasting.

Best Careers for the INFP 4w5

  • Social worker
  • Counselor
  • Psychologist
  • Nurse
  • Physician
  • Interior designer
  • Writer
  • Graphic Designer
  • Photographer
  • Pharmacist
  • Blogger
  • Historian

Careers that INFP 4w5 Should Avoid

  • Secretary
  • Farmer
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Electric Engineer
  • Paralegal
  • Auditor

Growth Tips for INFP 4w5

1.      Fighting Isolation

INFP 4w5 have a tendency to isolate themselves. While this might be great, it’s important to strike a balance.

So, make it a conscious effort to spend more time with others. While it might be scary at first, it aids your growth.

2.      Living in Your Head

We know that your head is spinning with so many ideas and possibilities. However, living in your head might mean you become complacent in actually taking action.

So, take a break from your beautiful mind and come back to us earthlings.

INFPs are super sweet people. We love all versions of this amazing personality. If you’re friends with an INFP 4w5 or any introvert at all, then you should also invest more time into understanding introvert friendships.

Fictional/Anime Characters that are INFP 4w5

  • Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
  • Gaara (Naruto Shippūden)
  • Miku Nakano (Gotoubun no Hanayome)
  • Edward Scissorhands (Edward Scissorhands)
  • Junpei Yoshino (Jujutsu Kaisen)
  • Tom Hansen (500 Days of Summer)
  • Edgar Allan Poe (Bungou Stray Dogs)
  • Grogu “The Child” (The Mandalorian)
  • Misaki Mei (Another)
  • Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)
  • Juliet Capulet (Romeo and Juliet)

Famous People/Celebrities that are INFP 4w5

  • Kurt Cobain
  • Mitski
  • Johnny Depp
  • Björk
  • Vincent Van Gogh
  • Sylvia Plath
  • Robert Pattinson
  • Clarice Lispector
  • Edgar Allan Poe
  • Winona Ryder
  • Joaquin Phoenix
  • Tim Burton
  • Heath Ledger
  • Joseph Gordon Levitt
  • Florence Welch
Edward is a freelancer and blogger who is fascinated by psychology and the MBTI. When he's not writing, he's reading and discussing his many scattered ideas.

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    • Hello, making your wing is possible but difficult. You’ll need to consciously work on the strengths that come from your wing. Also, following growth tips might help.

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