INFJ vs INTJ: How to distinguish these two personalities


If you’ve been dying to know the differences between the INFJ vs INTJ personalities, you’re not alone. These two introverted personalities are quite similar to each other because they share the same dominant function: Introverted Intuition (Ni). 

This is the function that allows INFJs and INTJs to recognize patterns in past events and predict future events based on their intuition. 

The INFJ personality, otherwise known as the Advocate, is guided by a very idealistic set of principles. They’re characterised by a very warm, gentle nature, and they always guide their actions towards living their dreams and goals. In most cases, they’re heavily misunderstood. 

The INTJ personality, on the other hand, is otherwise known as the Architect or Mastermind Personality. This personality is very logical, critical, rational, and quick-witted. They’re very quick to find realistic solutions to problems. 

In this article, we’ll be looking at how to tell between these two personalities with ease. Let’s get right into it. 

INFJ vs INTJ: What are the differences?

Not certain whether you’re an INFJ or INTJ? Here are 5 foolproof ways to find out: 

INFJs utilizes Fe, while INTJs utilize Te

As mentioned earlier, INFJs and INTJs have the same dominant function- Introverted Intuition. However, the difference is in their auxiliary functions. INFJs use Extraverted Feeling (Fe) while INTJs use Extraverted Thinking (Te). 

Extraverted feelers are attuned to other people’s feelings and emotions. They’re very delicate with their words and actions because they always consider how it will affect other people. This is why most people pleasers are INFJs. They often struggle to say no to people or decline commitments, especially when they’re close to them. 

Extraverted thinkers are those that focus on objective, logical, and critical analysis. They look at evidence and study the consequences of certain actions. When making a decisions, they’re good at setting aside personal feelings and emotions, and focusing on facts and logic. 

This is why INFJs and INTJs have issues when it comes to decision making. INFJs decide on things based on how people will perceive them, while INTJs don’t care about what people think about them. 

INFJs are friendly and warm, while INTJs look stern and disciplined

They typically care about people’s feelings and emotions, so they’re naturally very warm, friendly, and approachable. Their decisions are based on how it will affect other people or harmonize their existing relationships. They’re more likely to engage in small talk more than other personality types. 

INTJs on the other hand, don’t have time for such niceties. They look more stern, disciplined, and business-minded. INTJs are too busy being lost in their heads looking for solutions to problems, so they get easily bored by social conversations and pleasantries. They tend to shut down in such unpleasant situations. 

They’d rather want to hear how to solve an existing problem than listening to tales of how horrible your boss is or how your day went. People who don’t understand the INTJ personality may tend to see them as insensitive, but that’s just who they are. 

INFJ vs INTJ: INFJs focus on comfort, INTJs focus on productivity and efficiency

The primary difference between both personality types is their auxiliary function- extraverted feeling and extraverted thinking. This is why INFJs are focused on comfort and personal needs and INTJs focus on efficiency. 

INFJs will study body languages and relate to people’s feelings and emotions. Their actions will be tailored to keep feelings on par. They will not carry out actions they feel will affect other people. INFJs are compassionate people who puts other people’s needs before theirs, and this can cause them harm in the long run if not managed right. 

INTJs on the other hand, don’t give a damn about how people feel. It’s not like they’re insensitive, but they rather pursue an effective process than one that makes everyone happy. They’re more objective and practical, looking at the most effective ways to get a problem solved. 

For instance, if someone has a problem, the INFJ will think of ways to relate that problem to the person in a way that wouldn’t hurt their feelings. The INTJ will be as honest and raw about the problem without considering how that person feels, as long as it produces the desired change.   

INFJ vs INTJ: INFJs are more emotional, but INTJs are not. 

INFJs are very emotional and sensitive people. They don’t mind being emotionally expressive and showing people that they love and care about them. 

Now note that emotional expression isn’t the same as public expression. They probably won’t be public showy about their emotions, like praise you or cry. Their introverted nature won’t allow them. Instead, they will find a way to relate those emotions in a reserved way. 

INFJs in relationship can only go through a conflict without talking about their feelings. It helps them to move on quickly. 

INTJs, on the other hand, don’t like talking about their emotions or listening to other people talk about theirs. They’d rather talk about logical and objective topics like politics, current affairs, government policies, scientific research, etc. They only reveal their emotional side to people they love and trust- and only a small extent. 

INFJs keep their thoughts to themselves, while INTJs let it out

INFJs don’t enjoy putting their thoughts and personal opinions out there. This is often because they care too much about what people think. They shy away from controversial or harsh topics that could potentially offend people. INFJs are quick to diffuse the situation when an argument is brewing or they just leave the environment completely. 

They only let out their personal opinions when it’s harming someone else or infringing on fundamental human rights. 

INTJs are the complete opposite. They love to engage in intellectual conversations and exchange ideas with like-minds. They look at things logically and constructively. In most cases, they love to engage in arguments or stay in heated situations. They handle constructive criticism better and can relate well with people who disagree with them. 

Final Words

INFJs and INTJs may act similarly but they have several differences that make each of them unique. INFJs are more emotional and sensitive, while INTJs are more logical and objective. This helps them to create a healthy balance in their relationship

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