INFJ 5w6- Here’s What You Can Expect


INFJs are one of the rarest MBTI types in the world. INFJ 5w6s are more common. Are you an INFJ 5w6? If you are, this article is for you.

Here, we’ll consider who the INFJ 5w6 is and their strengths and weaknesses.

Differences Between INFJ 5w6 and Typical INFJs

INFJ 5w6s are not anything like the typical INFJ. First, INFJs are mostly type 4 and might have type 5 as a wing. This personality type is predominantly type 5. Also, it has type 6 as a wing.

Another difference is their traits. INFJs are emotional and sensitive. They have a lot of empathy for people. Because they are intuitive, they are curious and might love to try out new things. INFJ 5w6s are different.

This personality type is more interested in their self-sufficiency. While they are also very curious, they approach their curiosity with a lot of caution. This is probably down to type 6 being their wing. They are also very loyal people.

INFJ 5w6s will look and behave a lot like INTJs and INTPs. Here’s a table that highlights their differences clearly.

INFJ 5w6Typical INFJ
Interested in self-sufficiencyInterested in being unique
More objectiveMore Emotional
More risk-averseMore curious and willing to experiment

Strengths of the INFJ 5w6

1.   Balance Between Logic and Emotion

The first real strength for this personality type is the balance between logic and emotions. INFPs are feelers. Type 5 are natural thinkers. Thus, INFJ 5w6s will be able to balance the two patterns.

Thus, mature INFJ 5w6s will know when to use their emotions and when to use logic. However, because they are INFJs, they will still lean towards emotions more than logic. It’s usually a close call.

2.   Great at Analysis

Type 5 is great at analysis and solving problems. This rubs off on INFJ 5w6s. They are better at analysis and problem-solving. Their abilities mean that they also thrive in similar jobs.

This is different from typical INFJs who find it easy to be creative and expressive. However, this personality type is more inclined towards solving challenging problems. Type 6 as their wing also helps by ensuring that they spot all flaws or possible loopholes.

It’s an amazing gift to have.

3.   Cautious and Detailed

Type 6 is the principal reason for this trait. Type 6 is concerned about security. They don’t want to make a fatal mistake in their lives. Thus, they are likely to go through any document or idea very carefully.

INFJs are naturally structured. However, they can also miscalculate or be impulsive with their finances. The presence of type 6 makes them more cautious. This reduces the level of their financial mismanagement.

4.   Financially Responsible

This just follows our previous statement. This personality type will be more concerned about their earnings and staying above the water.

Thus, they are more likely to budget and take time to understand their finances. Type 5 is also big on being self-sufficiency. They do not want to be a burden to others.

This creates someone who is very conscious about their financial situation.

5.   Loyal

Because they have type 6 as a wing, this personality type will have streaks of loyalty. They will be loyal to their family, friends, and values.

INFJs are also very genuine. Expect this to contribute to the state of their loyalty. If you are friends with an INFJ 5w6, you can be assured that they’ll help you if they can.

Weaknesses of the INFJ 5w6

1.   Can be Overly Pessimistic

INFJ 5w6s can be skeptical. Here’s why. Type 6 is known for their skeptical and distrusting spirit. Thus, INFJ 5w6s will have a lot of doubts about people and what they stand for.

This problem might also extend to their careers. They might hesitate to accept new ways of doing things. This might make them look like sensors.

The problem here is that not being optimistic can make them complacent or unmotivated. This might mean they already failed before they even started.

2.   Fearful

Fear is something that defines type 5, type 6, and type 7. Thus, INFJ 5w6s will not be any different. They will have a lot of fear in their veins. This will have a tremendous impact on the decisions they make.

Their fear can be about anything. While some might be afraid of financial burdens, others might fear commitment. The particular fear that they might experience strongly will depend on their background.

3.   Detached

Type 5 enjoys being alone. The same also applies to INFJ. INFJ 5w6s might spend long hours alone focusing on their own interests or hobbies. Their brains are so interesting to live in. However, this can have negative effects.

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One of them is the problem of becoming detached from those they care about. They might spend weeks without talking or calling their family. This can cause a lot of strain between them and their loved ones.

4.   Afraid of Risks

Finally, INFJ 5w6s will fear taking too many risks. This might be heightened or lessened by how dominant their wing is.

Because of this fear, this personality type might resist the urge to make changes. The particular changes will depend on the specific individual. For some, it might be choosing to change cities or countries.

For others, it might be taking advantage of a new business idea.

Growth Tips for the INFJ 5w6

  • Sometimes, taking risks is actually worth it. Try to gauge when you should take the leap. It can be very rewarding.
  • While focusing on what you love is awesome, getting detached is not. Try to make time for those you love.
  • Being pessimistic never helps. Being optimistic and cheerful is the right way to live.

Fictional/Anime Characters that are INFJ 5w6

  • Lord Varys (Game of Thrones)
  • Michael Scofield (Prison Break)
  • Teresa Agnes (The maze Runner)
  • Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)
  • Holden Ford (Mindhunter)
  • Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!)
  • Noriko Sonozaki (Kiznaiver)
  • Monkey D. Dragon (One Piece)
  • Jason Gideon (Criminal Minds)
  • Eudoria Holmes (Enola Holmes)

Celebrities/Famous People that are INFJ 5w6

  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Pythagoras of Samos
  • Kentaro Miura
  • Simone de Beauvoir
  • Werner Herzog
  • Phil Jackson
  • Margaret Atwood
  • Seneca
  • Johannes Kepler
  • Naoki Urasawa
Edward is a freelancer and blogger who is fascinated by psychology and the MBTI. When he's not writing, he's reading and discussing his many scattered ideas.

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