Who are famous INTJ people you thought you knew? The INTJ stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging. It is one of the 16 personality types by Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test.
The INTJ is often called “the mastermind” due to their use of logic. They are intellectual, confident and analytical in all they do. The INTJ, however, can come off as cold and aloof considering they do not show a lot of emotions.
This doesn’t mean they do not have feelings. They just don’t let it cloud their judgement. They are perceived as arrogant due to their strong belief in themselves. INTJs aren’t the best communicators but will do so when miscommunication is creating an obstacle.
INTJs do not like confrontations but will do so only when necessary. Basically, they’ll go out of their comfort zone to ensure things run the most logical way they feel it should.
The INTJ is a rare personality type. The second rarest for women in the general population with the ENTJ coming first.
Here are lists of famous INTJ people
Famous INTJ Politicians
INTJ make good leaders but will avoid the position if they can. They do not enjoy being left in a spot like that but will do anything to make it work.
Some INTJ politicians and leaders include:

- Thomas Jefferson (U. S President).
- Chester A. Arthur (U. S President).
- Calvin Coolidge (U. S President).
- Al Gore (U.S Senator and Vice President).
- Hillary Clinton (U. S Senator and Secretary of State).
- John F. Kennedy (U.S President).
- Woodrow Wilson (U. S President).
- Colin Powell (U. S General and Secretary of State).
- Abigail Adams (U. S First Lady).
- Dwight D. Eisenhower (U. S President).
- Susan B. Anthony (Feminist Leader).
- James K. Polk (U. S President).
- Julia Gillard (Australian Prime Minister).
- Vladimir Lenin (Russian Revolutionary).
- Hannibal Barca (Carthinagian General).
- Augustus Caesar (Roman Emperor).
- Rudy Giuliani (Former Mayor of New York City).
Popular INTJ Authors and Philosophers
INTJs are remarkable writers which they prefer doing in their solitude. They prefer expressing themselves through writing.
Some famous INTJ authors include:

- Sun Tzu (Chinese author and military strategist).
- Ayn Rand (U. S Author).
- Jane Austen (English Author).
- Emily Bronte (English Author).
- C.S Lewis (British Writer).
- Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (English mathematician and author).
- Martin Luther (German Theologian).
- Sylvia Plath (U. S poet).
- William F. Buckley (U. S journalist and author).
- H. L. Mencken (U. S Journalist).
- Jean-Paul Sartre (French Author and Philosopher).
- Heraclitus (Ancient Greek philosopher).
- Josephine Tey (Scottish author).
Famous INTJ Scientists and Innovators
INTJs tend to be attracted to the science field as they crave understanding and knowledge. As such, they always want to know the purpose of something and how to make it better.
Here are some scientists and innovators who are most likely INTJ personality.

- Isaac Newton (English Physicist).
- Nikola Tesla (Serbian Inventor and Physicist).
- Stephen Hawking (English Astrophysicist).
- Charles Darwin (English Biologist).
- Norbert Wiener (U. S mathematician).
- John Nash (U. S mathematician).
- Elon Musk.
- Mark Zuckerberg.
- Lise Meitner (Austrian Physicist).
Popular INTJ Entertainers
There isn’t a lot of INTJ entertainers in the world. They prefer pursing their own style and their lack of empathy makes them shy out of the entertainment industry.
Here are a few famous INTJ entertainers

- Jay-Z (U. S rapper and entrepreneur).
- Ludwig Van Beethoven (German composer).
- Jodie Foster (U. S actress, producer and director).
- Russell Crowe (New Zealand actor).
- James Cameron (Canadian director).
- Roger Waters (English Rocker).
- Erik Costello (Irish Musician).
- Dan Aykroyd (Canadian actor).
- Veronica Hamel (American actress).
- Arnold Schwarzenegger (German-American actor).
Famous Fictional INTJ Characters
INTJ fictional characters are usually villains or anti heroes. Female INTJ characters, however, can come off as rude and proud. Here is the list of fictional characters that exhibit INTJ characteristics.

- Sherlock Holmes.
- Kat Stratford (10 things I hate about you).
- Bruce Wayne.
- Dr. Gregory House.
- Hannibal Lecter.
- Walter White.
- Gandalf.
- Victor Von Frankenstein.
- Light Yagami.
- Professor Moriarty.
- Dr. Strange.
- Gus Fringe.
- Professor Severus Snape.
- Clarence Starling.
- Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy.
- Petyr Baelish.
- Saruman.
- Sasuke Uchicha.
- Spock.
- Thomas Shelby.
- Matt Murdock.
INTJ characters can be interesting both as fictional and real people. Our list of famous INTJ people may come as a surprise. Which character came as a surprise to you and which have you always known?