How To Get Your Stress Leave From Work

What do you say to your doctor to get a stress leave? Stress is the leading cause of so many illnesses and disorders. Stress can make you less productive and tired. How do you get...

What Are The Introvert Negative Traits You Should Know?

What are some negative introvert traits to know? Surely there are disadvantages of being an introvert. Introverts come with a number of advantages in a heavily extroverted world. When we talk about negative traits, these...

What Are the Best Careers for Highly Sensitive Persons?

What are the best careers for highly sensitive persons? Do they interpret a career as something they love to do or just want to get a cool paycheck? How do highly sensitive persons thrive...

Have A Great Conversation As An Introvert With These Tips

Do you struggle to have a great conversation as an introvert? Trust me, you’re not alone. Introverts naturally have smaller social batteries. This is why they mostly spend time on only meaningful conversations and...

How To Manage Overload + Recharge As An Introvert

How do you recharge as an introvert? If you’re an introvert or you know anything about introversion, chances are you’ve come across the terms “introvert overload” and possibly “introvert recharge". What exactly does it mean...

What Are Some Traits of a Highly Sensitive Person?

What are some of the traits of a highly sensitive person you should know? It is common knowledge that some people are more sensitive than others. Sometimes it is seen as a weakness and it...

11 INFJ Facts That You Should Know

INFJs are quite intriguing. You can call them the walking paradox. Empathetic, yet self-absorbed. Emotional, yet logical. These are just a few reasons why they have earned this title. Here’s the good news. I’m...

11 INTP Facts that You Probably Relate to

INTPs are not going anywhere soon. We love the INTP for their search for truth, their predictability, and all they bring to the table. For that reason, we’ll be talking about 11 INTP facts...

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