Aleruchi Kinika

Aleruchi is a photographer, writer, designer and an INTJ female. She enjoys telling stories and delivering messages through words, photographs and designs.



How INTJs Flirt-5 Important Signs

How INTJs flirt? This is a very important question because it can be difficult associating the INTJ with flirting if you’re thinking vulnerability. However, it is quite the complete opposite of that. If your idea...

What It’s Like to Be an Introverted Girl

Ever wondered what it’s like to be an introverted girl? What characteristics do they possess and how does it affect their lives? As an introverted girl, I can tell you that just like other...

Reasons Why an Introvert Is Quiet

Have you ever wondered why an introvert is quiet? You’re all in the same room, but somehow, they don’t want to talk? Or maybe let out a few sentences every now and then. Being...

Understanding Defense Mechanisms: What You Should Know

What are defense mechanisms? These are psychological methods which people use to cope with difficult emotions and feelings such as stress and anxiety from difficult events and thoughts. These methods are used to prevent...

Reasons Leaving an Abusive Relationship Can Be Difficult

Why is leaving an abusive relationship difficult? Lots of people find themselves in an abusive relationship but most times other factors prevent them from acknowledging it. It is important to understand that abuse comes...

INTJ Friendship Compatibility: What They Want

What is the INTJ friendship compatibility? What exactly does the INTJ want in a friendship considering they don’t have a lot of it? Is it quality, quantity, both, or none? This article would highlight...

How Introverts Make Friends-A Complete Guide

Here is a complete guide on how introverts make friends. Being an introvert leaves you on a quest to finding people who understand you. Introversion makes it harder to find friends, especially those who...

What Personality Type Thinks They Are Always Right?

Have you ever wondered what personality type thinks they are always right? You might have an idea but aren’t certain? Well, you’re in luck as I’m about to show you the personality type that...

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