15 INTJ Facts That Most INTJs will Relate to


Oh, the intriguing INTJs! We just cannot get enough of them. If you want to know more about INTJs, this article is definitely for you. We’ll consider 15 INTJ facts that remind us so much about this incredible type.

If you are an INTJ, you’ll probably identify with some or all of these facts. Always remember no two INTJs are the same. There is a mountain of other factors that influence their behavior.

However, there are some common traits among INTJs.

15 Sweet INTJ Facts We Know You’ll Love!

1.      Super Introverts

We are going to start with the most obvious point. INTJs are introverts. There’s more.

They are most likely on the deeper end of the introvert spectrum. This simply means that INTJs love their alone time. This is when they recharge. They like to take this time to read some books, watch a movie, or listen to some podcasts.

Ruining their alone time will not go too well. They will become irritable, cranky, and less productive.

INTJs need their space regularly.

2.      Their Lives are Totally Structured

If you want to learn how to structure your life, just ask the INTJ. They have a complete schedule for each working day. The best part is that they usually keep to it.

This structure is what allows the INTJ to function. Take this away from them and their world will be in chaos.

That’s really why it’s never a good idea to keep an INTJ waiting. Time is everything to them. This is something to remember when you are dealing with an INTJ.

3.      INTJ and Religion

Religion is a very popular concept in the world and across centuries. Across the 16 personalities, some have a more favorable disposition towards religion and its activities.

According to 16personalities, INTJs are ranked 10th when it comes to personality types that are more likely to be religious.

Thus, a fair number of INTJs might not be religious. This might be down to their ability to critically think about a matter and consider physical evidence instead of faith.

Nonetheless, some INTJs can be the most religious people in the room.

4.      INTJ and Enneagram Type

The MBTI and the enneagram have been compared numerous times in recent years. Some MBTI types are more likely to be certain enneagram types than others.

For the INTJ, they are more likely to be type 5 and type 6. Some INTJs can also be type 1, type 9, or type 8.

While these are the more likely types for the INTJ, they can find themselves as other enneagram types too. It’s just less common.

5.      INTJ and Politics

When it comes to politics, INTJs might have conflicting views. They will usually think their leaders can do better. They probably have thought of ways that they can make the world better.

While we love the INTJs, they do not always follow through on these types of actions (A certain ENTJ does better).

When it comes to choosing parties or being conservative or liberal, most INTJs will prefer to be neutral or independent.

While this is true, they will lean a bit toward liberalism. INTJs understand that a touch of conservatism and liberalism is needed to make the world a better place.

6.      Confidence and Logic

INTJs are very confident people. They are confident in their abilities and their thoughts. This might be down to a few things.

Top on that list is their logical and critical minds. They know they see things clearer than most people. Thus, they often feel superior.

Their confidence in their abilities comes from their creativity and structured lives. One bonus that comes with being an INTJ is being painfully aware of your flaws and strengths.

Being confident does not mean the INTJ does not feel insecure at all. They are just more confident.

7.      Insensitive and Judgmental

Just like any other personality type, the INTJ still has so many weaknesses. Chief among them is their insensitivity. They do not have a clue on how to approach issues that are sensitive.

They can easily make a mess of issues that can hurt others by just speaking bluntly. While we understand the gift of bluntness, sometimes, tact is needed when dealing with certain issues.

Being judgmental is something that INTJs also struggles with. They can easily pass judgment on people based on first impressions. For example, INTJs might think people are dumb because their thinking is a bit different from theirs.

The truth is that people will always see things differently. There’s a clear line between being wrong and having a different perspective on the matter.

By the way, you can also be wrong, you plucky INTJ.

8.      INTJ and Income

Finances are an important part of our lives. According to Truity, there is definitely some correlation between our personality types and the income we bring in per annum.

INTJs are joint 5th as the personality type with the most income. The top three are the ESTJ, ENTJ and ENTP.

INTJs are also more likely to experience a late bloom in their finances. This is partly because they tend to focus more on academics when they are younger.

At their peak, they are 4th in this category. ENTPs come in the first place and ENTJ and ESTJs round up the top 3.

Of course, this does not hinder you in your financial path. It is simply a report.

9.      INTJs and Love Languages

Love languages are important in relationships. INTJs are more likely to have quality time and physical touch as their top two love languages.

Here’s the thing. INTJs love a good conversation. They want to be mentally stimulated. Get an INTJ stimulated that way and they’ll think you’re attractive.

If you also don’t mind intimacy, then you have struck gold.

So, put on your thinking cap and try to think of the best ideas to woo your INTJ love interest.

10.  INTJs and introverted Intuition (Ni)

The leading function of the INTJ is the Ni. This is what the INTJ uses to process their thoughts and all information. Ni helps them to subconsciously understand and connects the things around them.

The Ni helps them to calculate the odds and probabilities of things at a frightening pace. Because of this Ni, INTJ can predict things in the future accurately. No, it’s not magic. It’s just a complex way of processing information.

Another MBTI type that uses introverted intuition is the INFJ.

11.  The INTJ death stare

INTJs can be deadly silent. When this happens, it is often followed by a piercing stare. Sometimes, the INTJ does not even know they have that face on.

This can be especially intimidating and scary. However, they might not even have anything in mind. This is known as the INTJ death stare. Here’s an article that discusses the INTJ death stare in closer detail.

Other MBTI types that also have similar stares are the INFJ and ISTJ.

12.  They Want to Constantly Improve

If there’s something that the INTJ wants, it’s constant development. They want to get better at things. While this is true, there are usually several things that can hinder them.

One of them is their belief that they are superior to others. This can make them reject people’s opinions without actually testing them out.

INTJs are perfectionists. In their quest to improve themselves, they will fail sometimes. This can have a negative impact on them. They might simply decide that this course isn’t for them and give up.

13.  Calm in Emergencies

INTJs are problem solvers by default. Thus, they are always ready for the worst-case scenario. This allows them to remain calm under pressure or in emergencies.

This can be amplified if they are an enneagram 6. They will look for security and will identify all possible dangers before it happens.

Let me just put it out there. Playing any sort of board game with the INTJ especially chess will be a real torture.

14.  Rarest Female Type

INTJ facts just won’t be complete without mentioning this one. When it comes to the distribution of MBTI female types, INTJ females are the rarest by a mile.

While INFJs are the rarest personality type in the world, they are only the third rarest female subtype in the world.

While this might make the INTJ female seem special, it also means they will be misunderstood by other people. There are just not enough INTJ females in the world.

15.  They Love their Privacy

INTJs are very private people. They have a lot of things going on in their heads. They only share a fraction of those things with people they care about.

Thus, if you really get to know all the parts of an INTJ, you have possibly done the impossible.

So, there you have it! Those are 15 INTJ facts we think you’ll love. If you loved these INTJ facts, you can check out our article on INTJ traits written by an INTJ. We think you’ll love it!

Edward is a freelancer and blogger who is fascinated by psychology and the MBTI. When he's not writing, he's reading and discussing his many scattered ideas.

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