11 INTP Facts that You Probably Relate to


INTPs are not going anywhere soon. We love the INTP for their search for truth, their predictability, and all they bring to the table. For that reason, we’ll be talking about 11 INTP facts that you’ll relate to as an INTP.

Some of these INTP facts might be quite obvious while others will leave you surprised. Either way, we’re definitely here to leave you informed and entertained.

So, let’s begin.

11 INTP Facts most INTPs Understand

1.      Super Introverts

We’ll start with the more obvious facts. INTPs are super introverts. This just means that they are closer to the end of the introversion spectrum. This has several implications.

First, INTPs need a lot of alone time. This time is used to recharge and come back stronger. For this type, it’s not negotiable.

The way an INTP spends their time alone will also differ. Usually, their alone time is spent on their hobbies or their secret projects. Every INTP has one of those!

2.      Being Organized is not their Strongest Strength

If you thought INTPs were organized, think again. INTPs are more likely to be messy. Here’s why. INTPs spend a lot of time in their head.

They lead with introverted thinking (Ti). This means that their first impulse is to think through problems. Sometimes, the thinking process might take much longer than they expect.

This leads to more time in their heads analyzing and reanalyzing. When this happens, INTPs lose touch with their surroundings. Soon enough, they will become scattered and disorganized.

3.      INTP Females and Stereotypes

Women are usually considered to be feeler types and statistics certainly agree. However, the INTP female goes against everything the world thinks of women.

INTP females are more likely to be found in industries that are dominated by men. They are also more logical and prefer to think rather than feel.

This sub-type makes up about 1% of the world’s population. If you want to know more about the INTP female, you can read this article.

4.      INTP and Education

INTPs are one of the types with a sharp inclination toward education. The reasons for this are obvious. INTPs love to learn about their environment and life.

One of the best ways to learn is through educational institutions. It gives them the framework to fully dive into their projects.

Education is also slowly revolving. So, INTPs might not necessarily dive into formal education. However, resources on the internet and YouTube can become their bread and butter.

5.      INTP and Religion

INTPs and religion do not do very well. They are the least likely to be religious among all MBTI types.

They are more likely to identify as agnostic than any other MBTI type. While this is true, this does not necessarily mean that all INTPs are not spiritual.

Spirituality is influenced by many factors such as background and culture. However, the likelihood is just lower with this type.

Unsurprisingly, the personality with the second least preference is the ENTP.

6.      Stubborn

We cannot list some INTP facts without looking at some of their flaws. Chief among them is their stubbornness. INTPs can be extremely stubborn.

This trait usually rears its ugly head when it comes to their ideas and thinking. They will not let it go unless irrefutable proof is given. You can understand why.

INTPs’ thoughts and results are usually well-filtered by their Ti. Then, they express themselves using the Ne.

So, for someone to just disregard this intense, finetuned thought process is just unthinkable. They simply will not have it.

7.      Calm under Pressure

INTPs and INTJs are one of the calmest types under pressure. They are by their very nature problem solvers. Thus, they relish solving problems when the stakes are high.

While this is true, INTJs will usually have more strength in implementing the solution. INTPs are better at finding the solution. If they work together, there is very little that won’t get solved.

They are the logicians after all.

8.      INTP and Income

When it comes to income, INTPs seem to be on the lower spectrum. According to research conducted by Truity, INTPs on average make around $38000 per annum. You should note that this is simply the average. They are ranked 14th out of the 16 personalities.

There are a lot of INTPs who make above this number. One reason for their low figures might be INTP’s preference to focus on academics for longer periods. Thus, INTPs might spend longer time in school and may rack up more college loans.

This sets them back in the initial stage. The same research shows that INTP rise to the 6th highest earners during the later periods of their life.

9.      INTP and Enneagram Type

When compared with the enneagram of personality, INTPs are more likely to be type 5 than any other type. Type 5 matches their introverted function perfectly.

It is also an enneagram type that is closely linked with introverts. INTPs can also be type 6, type 9, or type 8.

It’s very unlikely that you’ll see an INTP who’s a type 7, type 2, or type 1. Anything is possible though.

Here are some resources that might help you discover more about INTP 5w4, INTP 5w6, and INTP traits.

10.  INTP and Love Languages

Love languages refer to the manner you give and receive love. If you don’t know anything about the love languages, they are words of affirmation, physical touch, acts of service, gifts, and quality time.

INTPs value quality time more than any other love language. They want to discuss with their partners. They strive for mental stimulation and intelligent conversations. You can say that they are sapiosexuals.

INTPs also enjoy intimacy with their partners. Thus, if you want to make sure your INTP partner feels loved, you can never go wrong with these two options.

11.  INTP and Career Decisions

INTPs have certain things they look for when choosing a career path. One of them is flexibility. Perceiving functions generally do not like to be micromanaged by others.

INTPs are exactly the same. They also do not enjoy too much structure in a work environment. They want that freedom to explore and find solutions for issues they face. Anything short of this won’t work for them.

INTPs also do well when they are passionate about their jobs. When INTPs are forced to do something, they become complacent and unproductive.

Thus, it has to be something they have a personal interest in. They suck at doing routine or mundane jobs. It’ll kill them slowly.

So, there you have it! Those are the 11 INTP facts I could find right now. If you have more things you wish to add, you can also reach out to us in the comments.

Edward is a freelancer and blogger who is fascinated by psychology and the MBTI. When he's not writing, he's reading and discussing his many scattered ideas.

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